Smooth Move: Tips to Remember Before Moving Into a New Home

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So here you are, ready to start a new life with your new home. Moving from one home to another can be exciting and thrilling at the same time. You will have a new environment, a new room, and a new place to live in.

However, moving from one place to another requires preparation and work. You will need to pack your things and make sure that everything is in order. If this is your first time moving, this article will help you. We will share some tips so that you can transfer to your new house smoothly.

Moving Into a New Home

We move into a new home for different reasons. Some people move due to career change, business opportunities, or to give their family a safe neighborhood. Whatever your reasons are, here are the essential things to remember before moving into a new home.

Manage the Basic Things

At least two or three weeks before you move out, make sure to update your official address to the new one. Cancel your electricity, water, and internet connection on time and ensure they are re-connected to your new home.

Inspect Your Home

Do not leave your old home with damages and broken systems. Have the house checked by a home inspector to know which parts need repair and maintenance. On the other hand, inspect the new home as well. It should not have any broken pipes or anything that would cause your trouble. The seller of the house is responsible for anything that needs fixing.

General Cleaning

Ask the seller when is the best time for you to clean the house thoroughly. Cleaning while you’re still not moving is much efficient as there are no pieces of furniture that will block your way. It will allow you to move freely and clean every corner of the house.

Get Rid of Unused Items

Moving into a new house is a great way to get rid of your unused items finally. Sell them in a garage sale or online. Just keep the things that you need so that your new home will have a more “homey” feels to it.

Paint, Exterminate, and Install

A few days before moving in, it will be wiser to repaint, exterminate, and install items on a bare home. Your sofa, chairs, and tables might get in the way as you do these things, so it will be better to set everything up before you move in.

Schedule Your Moving Date

The most crucial part is transferring your possession from your old home to your new house. Two weeks before moving, set a schedule with a hauling company, especially if you have many things to move. Hauling companies partner up with truck dealers, so they surely have all the different truck sizes you’ll need according to the number of your things. Sometimes, hauling companies also offer assistance to transfer the furniture from the vehicle into your home.

Plan Your Interior

If you have always wanted to re-design your bedroom or living room, this is your opportunity to put your dreams into reality. Check out some designing inspirations online so that you can finally achieve the cozy home you’ve always wanted. For better results, hire an interior designer. These professionals can help you maximize your space according to your budget.

Pack Your Things by Group

Make sure to be organized in packing. Unpacking your boxes will be a lot easier if you know where your boxes should go. All toiletries and restroom materials should be in one box together. The same thing goes for your items like clothes, linens, towels, and other things.

Hire Help

Packing and unpacking will be so much easier for you if you get help. If you don’t have anyone to help you move, you can always hire a professional service. Hauling helpers will move your boxes (big or small), so you can supervise everything. You can instruct them where to put the boxes down, making it easier for you to unpack.

Change Door Locks

For your safety, it will also be better to change the locks of all doors. You will never know how many duplicate keys are out there and who has them as well, so changing locks would be a great move. Additionally, install a home security system for an extra layer of protection.

Meet the Neighbors

Once you’re settled in, it won’t hurt if you extend an effort to meet your neighbors. If you have time, walk around the block to familiarize yourself with the new faces. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself. Who knows, this might be an excellent way to meet new friends.

There you have it! Now that you know the essential things about moving into a new home, it’s time to pack your things and prepare for a change of environment. Lastly, don’t forget to explore the neighborhood occasionally to see the activities and facilities around you.

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