Five Effective Ways to Keep Your Community COVID-19-Free

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When the COVID-19 crisis broke out, the whole world was caught in a whirlwind. It shut the world by closing malls, offices, schools, establishments, and public places.

In the ensuing months, the pandemic has affected people’s recreation, activities, education, jobs, livelihood, relationships, and lives in general. It has compelled individuals and families to stay in the comfort of their homes. Not only has it impacted public health, but it has taken away millions of lives.

It’s been almost two years since the COVID-19 outbreak in March of last year. However, the goal is still to keep our space free of the various strains of the novel coronavirus. While doing so starts at home, we must now partake in keeping our community clean.

While the COVID-19 pandemic is here to stay, there are a few crucial steps we must continue to take. So whether you’re a local official, a health professional, or an ordinary individual, here’s how to keep your community COVID-19 free:

1. Conduct robust cleaning and disinfection of public spaces

If you’re a local leader, you must have already conducted robust cleaning and disinfection. You must have performed these in different public spaces within your jurisdiction. However, it’s best to continue doing so, whether on a monthly or quarterly basis.

First, hire cleaning services to sanitize and disinfect the public spaces. These include parks, schools, churches, and public markets. Be sure to have disposal bin rentals and install these bins in different areas in your local neighborhood. Only allow garbage personnel to dispose of these wastes. The ultimate goal is to keep your community clean, safe, and protected.

2. Get business owners to ensure the cleanliness of their establishments

Commercial properties and business establishments have already reopened. But before doing so, the majority of them might have already worked with commercial cleaning services for robust cleaning, sanitation, and disinfection.

As a business owner or property manager, be sure to set these in place before opening your business. Even if you’ve already done so, consider hiring commercial cleaning services every month. Make sure that your employees and customers strictly follow health and safety protocols.

3. Set health and safety measures in place

Even with mass vaccination, everyone in the community must continue to follow health and safety measures. As a member of the community, be responsible for protecting yourself and others too. If you’re a local leader, be sure to enforce these protocols, make everyone compliant, and hold violators accountable.

For the most part, everyone should continue to adhere to the following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  • Wearing a face mask
  • Maintaining social distance
  • Frequent handwashing or hand sanitizing
  • Following restricted movements
  • Complying with curfews
  • Getting vaccinated

4. Educate your community about the COVID-19 and some key protocols

Local officials, health professionals, and authorities must continue to educate their community. There are many ways to do so. On top of these is to create a social media page for your community and post updates regularly. You can even hold live streaming to educate your people about the COVID-19, orient them on health and safety protocols, and encourage everyone to get vaccinated.

It’s good if your community is COVID-19-free. However, keep your people updated and well-informed. If you have COVID-19 cases, be sure to take prompt actions, help those in need, and protect those who aren’t positive.

5. Get every individual and family involved

mother wearing facemask with her child

Keep in mind that keeping a community free of the novel coronavirus is a collaborative effort. While it stems from the governments to the local authorities, it starts with every individual and family. If everyone takes a conscious effort and deliberate actions to work together, we can combat the further spread of the novel coronavirus.

If you’re the head of your household, be sure to set your own house rules related to COVID-19. These include regular cleaning and monthly disinfection. Also, ensure home isolation for sick individuals as well as immediate testing for family members with symptoms. Lastly, follow health and safety protocols when outdoors and ensure cleanliness and disinfection when entering your home.

At this point, you now know how to keep your community free of the various strains of novel coronavirus. Be sure to follow some of the crucial steps discussed above, from ensuring cleaning and disinfection in public places to getting individuals and families involved.

Keep in mind that it takes the collaborative effort of all stakeholders involved to keep the community clean and safe and foster the health and well-being of people. So while the COVID-19 pandemic is here to stay, we must all do our part.

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