Effective Ways to Eliminate Home Improvement Delay

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Keeping your home improvement on schedule in Missouri can mean less cost and less stress. However, it is usually easier said than done. Even if you plan your project to a tee, something may still not go as expected.

To live through your project with little to no delay, reputable roofing, siding, window, and insulation contractors in Kansas City recommend the following:

Pull the Necessary Permit ASAP

If your project merits a building permit, apply for it with a sense of urgency. It is not uncommon to wait for days or weeks to be accommodated by an inspector. If your community’s permitting office is understaffed, expect to play the waiting game much longer.

Although the availability of an inspector is beyond your control, what you can do to accelerate the process is to tackle it early and leave it in the hands of professionals. Hire a legitimate contractor to navigate through it more quickly.

Anticipate Lead Times and Back Orders

Some building supplies take longer than others to be delivered. If your contractor asks you to finalize the details of your project early, it is probably because they want to place the order right away to avoid receiving the materials late. Determine every single item you like to have, so that lengthy lead times and unforeseen backorders will not affect the flow of the construction as much.

construction supplies

Stagger Your Payments

There is logic behind staggered payment. It gives the crew incentive to achieve project milestones on time, for they are not fully paid yet. If you pay too much money upfront, your contractor might work at a slower pace knowing you could longer fire them since you have already released so much funds.

Generally, $1,000 is the highest amount of down payment a contractor should collect. The rest of the bill should be paid as the project progress over time and the workmanship meets an inspector’s standards.

Avoid Inclement Weather

Both house exterior and house interior projects take more time to complete when Nature does not cooperate. Experienced contractors can minimize the exposure of the work areas to the elements, but the rain presents more hazards that can slow down the crew.

There is no stopping a storm from coming, but you should schedule your project with foresight. It does not hurt to consult a weather forecast app to anticipate whether it is going to be rainy on your preferred construction dates.

Stick to the Original Plan

Change orders, no matter how efficiently executed, can stop the clock of construction and push back the completion date by several days, if not weeks. While some modifications to the original plan are necessary to address unexpected problems, avoid changing your mind in the last minute to help ensure everything goes smooth sailing.

Be Proactive and Transparent

Keep an open line of communication. As long as you and your contractor talk to discuss issues that concern both parties, misunderstanding can be avoided and delay can be minimized.

No one, even an experienced home improvement crew, can prevent construction holdups single-handedly. If you approach your project with common sense, you can identify all possible obstacles and prepare for all contingencies effectively.

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