Growing Your Wellness Spa Business amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

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The COVID-19 pandemic has led us all to focus on health and wellness. More than just protecting our physical health, we also strive to ensure our mental stability and foster our overall well-being. Aside from having healthy habits such as eating properly, staying hydrated, working out regularly, and sleeping well, we also resort to some wellness strategies. That is where a wellness spa comes into the picture.

Unfortunately, the spa industry wasn’t considered an essential service during lockdowns last year. For this reason, many spa businesses went on a temporary shutdown. However, most of these businesses have already reopened this year. It appears that the spa market is thriving, as people need to take good care of themselves through spa services.

For this reason, you should strike while the iron is hot. That said, here’s how to boost your wellness spa business during this pandemic:

1. Remodel your space before reopening

It’s been almost two years since the COVID-19 crisis first broke out. But before reopening your spa, consider remodeling your commercial space. It’s more than just cleaning and disinfecting your commercial property.

As such, it’s best to take it to the next level by augmenting its decorations and installing new amenities. Ultimately, doing so will attract more and more clients and keep them coming back.

2. Set health and safety measures in place

As we’re still in a pandemic, you must continue to set health and safety measures in place. Be sure to follow the protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Some of the basic protocols include mask-wearing, social distancing, frequent hand-washing. However, it’s best to accept clients who are already vaccinated. Ultimately, health and safety will still be the top priority.

3. Offer discounts and exclusive deals

As people gradually become confident in going outdoors, you want to attract them to your spa. As such, the best course of action is to offer discounts to both old and new clients.

It’s also a good idea to provide exclusive deals to your regular clients, especially your frequent visitors during the pre-pandemic period. You want them to come back and continue to do so.

4. Provide new spa services

It’s a good idea to offer new services as your spa business is reopening. The clients will most likely get curious about these offers you have. Even new clients will get attracted to relatively new spa services. However, make sure that you offer something of value. Consider the wellness spa trends in 2021, such as the following:

  • Treatments for boosting immunity
  • No contact to less-touch treatments
  • Membership programs
  • Wellness retreats for remote employees
  • The use of technologies for spa treatments
  • The focus on mental wellness

5. Improve your facility and amenities

jacuzzi tub

As mentioned above, it’s best to remodel your commercial space. But crucial to this is improving your facility. It’s one great way to offer value to your clients, whether old or new. It can go as simple as installing Jacuzzi hot tub parts to as complex as state-of-the-art technologies.

That said, be sure to conduct research and perform due diligence to see what you can offer in your locality. Below is a list of amenities you might want to consider:

  • Massage room
  • Skincare care center
  • Sauna
  • Steam bath
  • Aromatherapy
  • Crystal healing therapy
  • Salt peeling
  • Ice fountains
  • Thalassotherapy (using seawater)
  • Fango (mud bath for blood circulation)
  • Relaxation spaces

6. Resort to digital marketing

As soon as you reopen your wellness spa business, you must be aggressive in your marketing approach. As much as possible, you want to draw new clients to your facility. Also, you want to win back your old clients. They must not have hesitation in visiting your spa. Instead, you want them to take advantage of the health and wellness benefits you can offer.

When it comes to promoting your wellness spa, digital marketing is the key. That said, here are online marketing strategies to implement:

  • Search engine optimization for online visibility
  • Pay-per-click advertising for website traffic
  • Email marketing for reaching out to old and new clients
  • Content marketing for spa service promotion
  • Social media marketing for client engagement
  • Influencer marketing for endorsement

The spa market has flourished amid the COVID-19 crisis. Now, the industry is making a significant comeback after the setback last year. For this reason, take advantage of the pandemic situation in growing your spa business and boosting your profit.

But before reopening, consider the practical business tips recommended above, from remodeling your space to using social media for promotion. With all these in place, your spa business will eventually grow and succeed.

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