4 Things to Do When You’re Stuck at Home

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Stuck at home? Whether it’s due to bad weather, pandemic or your wallet is running on empty, getting stuck at home doesn’t need to be dull and boring. You have plenty of things to do within the confines of your home. From creating or taking in art, cleaning and organising your room to learning a new skill, you can redefine being a “homebody.”

Make art

According to the Art Assignment’s video “Creativity is Overrated”, you don’t need to be an artist to create art. You don’t even need to be creative or inspired. You don’t also need to be good. All you have to do is make art. It could be a project you’ve abandoned that needs finishing, a hobby you’ve left on the wayside or an entirely new project altogether. Creating something out of things around you and what time you can set aside for it can be powerful.

Clean and organise

Every house has one drawer that is the destination point of every loose screw or misplaced toy, or the chair where every coat drapes over. You’ve meant to clean that up, but you’re always making the excuse that it costs you a lot of time to clear it up. Give yourself five minutes to clear something in the house like a shelf, a drawer or a pile of clothes waiting to be folded. Play some music to accompany you, and before you know it, you have a place for everything.

Learn to cook

freshly baked bread

No matter what your set-up is, whether it’s a microwave-oven-and-coffee-maker combo or a kitchen full of appliances, you can start learning to cook with what you have. Instant meals are an excellent place to start because they’re often inexpensive and customisable. They even come with instructions. When you’re ready to up your cooking game, you can go for a one-pot stew, a pasta or a rice bowl or a stovetop dessert. Many food blogs are available on the internet, and recipes can be found on grocery item labels. The possibilities are endless — you just need to take that first step.

Lay your bullet journal out

A bullet journal not only helps you schedule your day ahead but also keeps track of finances. Many people who use the bullet journal system have come up with their financial tracking charts, and they share these for free online. Whether you’re aiming for a financial goal like buying your own house and lot or paying off a debt, a bullet journal can help you be mindful of your responsibilities. It can be a tool to help you focus on yourself and your goals. Plus, the good thing about the bullet journal is that you have the freedom to design and plot out the information that you need.

When you take note of what you have readily available in your home, you can create something productive in your time. Maybe all you need is a little spark of motivation to get out of the couch and start getting on your feet. Nevertheless, having something done at the end of the day feels very satisfying.

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