5 Small Home Improvements That Can Go a Long Way

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If you’re looking into making some changes in your home that are simple and affordable, this is the place to be. Simple improvements can go a long way and make your home look new again. Minor changes can come together to create a whole new light. With that said, here are some home improvement projects that you can do by yourself.

Paint Goes a Long Way

One gallon of paint can make a big difference when you’re looking into curb appeal improvements that you can do. It may be a time-consuming task, but you can already make improvements with a $25-per-gallon paint, depending on the size of your exterior walls and how much you want to paint.

With paint, you can also improve the look of your drab and washed-out walls. Perhaps you can wash away wall decorating mistakes with white paint. The power of a coat of pain rearranges your reality.

Of course, while you don’t need a professional to paint your walls and ceilings, there are proper ways to do it rather than just slathering colors on your walls.

Paint is not only for your walls and ceilings, but you can also use it for your kitchen cabinets and floors to create a new and refreshing appeal to your rooms. As long as your cabinets are still stable and functional, paint is the only thing you need to freshen it up.

Replacing Kitchen Cabinets With Open Shelving

Old and dingy cabinets can make a kitchen look unappealing and unappetizing. One option is to apply a new coat of paint. However, sometimes paint can’t bring the freshness you want to bring to your kitchen, especially if they’re too old and broken to retrieve. A better option would be replacing cabinets with open shelving.

Open shelving can provide your kitchen with a sense of modern style. It will force you to declutter your kitchen, get rid of the things you no longer need, and give space to the more important stuff. Since stuff will be on display, you are motivated to keep it clean and organized. Whereas with a closed-door, you just always dread opening it and neglect it forever.

You don’t have to get rid of every high cabinet in your kitchen, but just the ones that are completely busted and taking up so much space. If that’s all of them, then be ready for a long weekend’s activity. It can be too tiring for you. Therefore, it’s always okay to ask for assistance.

Another thing is, if your cabinets aren’t broken at all and are still entirely usable, you can just remove the doors to have instant open shelving.

Decluttering and Organizing the Garage Storage

garage storage

Despite its usefulness, the garage is the most forgettable room to organize in a home. It’s where idle things are stowed. Most of the time, it contains things that are forgotten for good and needed to throw away. Organizing it is the least of many things you can do to your garage. You can turn it into a functional living area if there’s still enough space.

If you’re looking for a more extensive improvement, you can remodel the whole thing and perhaps have the door replaced. A new garage door installation improves not only the interior of your garage but also your front yard appeal.

Installing a Ceiling Fan

Ceiling fans are more significant than you may think. If you don’t have one already, it’s always a good idea for you to install it. Ceiling fans are helpful not only during the warm seasons but also for every day of our lives. They improve airflow and air quality in rooms. If you want to invest more, they can also serve a lighting fixture that can be a decoration. Fans don’t lower the room’s temperature, but it circulates conditioned air throughout. It can also be used in open outdoor spaces as well.

Thinking About Sustainability

There are many ways to start your sustainable living, including growing your own food, improving your insulation, and conserving water. Installing a water filter is one small thing. Water filters are easy to install, which you can do by yourself. With a water filter in your kitchen, you can avoid buying bottled water from the groceries and bring your own in a travel mug or tumbler.

Smart home features are definitely expensive, but only at first. They save you a lot of money in the long run, which is why they are sound investments. You can start by purchasing a smart thermostat. This lets you save energy, thus lowering your bills as well. Your home doesn’t need to be modern all the way—only the essential parts, like your home’s temperature.

Whether your purpose is to increase your house’s value, boost your curb appeal, or just for personal reasons, there’s no need to hesitate and make the changes you want for your home. Decluttering can be an excellent way to start. Making minor changes can go a long way and even improve your lifestyle.

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