Where to Look for Mold in Your Home

Mold in Your Home
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Mold is a hazard to not only your home but also your health. So, if your house is infested with this fungus, you should pick up the phone and start calling an expert on mold removal in Denver immediately. But first, you need to know how and where to spot mold.


Mold often grows in damp spaces. When you take a shower, the water that goes into the drainage can sometimes be stuck in the cracks on the floor.

But sometimes, mold can also grow in the least likely of places. Check your shampoo bottle, soap dish, towels, and the showerhead. Check under the sink and toilet, as well. When your pipes leak, they can create a habitat for fungi. Any space inside your shower stall or bathtub can be prone to developing mold.

The best way to prevent mold growth in these spots is to make sure that your bathroom is well ventilated. After you take a shower, open your windows and let air in.


The kitchen is also a good breeding ground for fungi. Look under your kitchen sink, behind the refrigerator, and in your pantry. If these places often get damp and if the food you are storing in your pantry goes bad, it is likely that they will breed mold there.

You should be especially vigilant with your fridge. The refrigerator has a drip tray that often gets overlooked. If the water that accumulates there comes into contact with fungi, you are going to have a mold problem in the kitchen.

Check your microwave oven, too. Many tend to neglect cleaning the microwave, especially the ceiling, which often gets splashed with sauce from whatever food you heat there. Dried up sauces on the ceiling of your microwave oven could breed mold. Make sure it is always clean.


Your bedroom is not safe from mold, especially if you do not keep it ventilated and change your sheets often. Mold can grow in your mattress if you are not careful. Take your mattress and let it air outside the house at least twice a month. If you find mold in your mattress, have it cleaned or replaced immediately.

Mold can travel through your house’s air vents, too, so make sure that your air-conditioning unit is free from fungi. It is best to hire a mold removal specialist if you suspect that you have mold in your air vents because it is not easy going through them without the proper equipment.

Living room

The couch and curtains in your living room can also breed mold. Furniture with upholstery and curtains can easily breed fungi if they become damp. So, check for any wet spots and dry them immediately.

You must keep mold from developing in your home because not only will it ruin your house but also damage your health. People who have experienced having mold in their homes have complained of symptoms of asthma and even depression. Mold can also affect brain functions, so keep this fungus from growing inside your home.

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