Winter Protection with Shutters and Blinds for Your Windows

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The right window treatment could be the the one thing missing from your home’s defense system against the cold. Even with adequate insulation behind the walls, it’s possible cold air is entering through the windows. Incomplete protection at the window openings may be stealing warmth, and letting winter chill in.

To make your home completely weather resistant, you must consider installing additional window treatments. We’ve prepared a couple of options for you, including exterior shutters and blackout blinds.

Full coverage exterior shutters

Uncontrolled heat loss through the windows can account for as much as 25 percent loss of warmth. Forget the door, or possible air leakage through the roof and walls. Indoor drafts through unprotected windows are often to be blamed for the chill in your home in especially cold winters. It’s not enough that you close the windows and put up additional curtains. You have to think of a solution that addresses the problem more directly—something that covers the windows from top to bottom.

Mounting house shutters in fair haven new jersey is an economical yet effective solution. Fortifying the areas outside the windows adds an envelope of thermal insulation. The exterior structures work two ways. First, they lower the onslaught of drafts. Second, they prevent the escape of warmth from within. If you address only one issue you won’t achieve the level of comfort you want for your family. Shutters make your home’s interior more comfortable and more cozy.

Apart from classic plantation shutters, you may opt for solid wooden shutters. When the weather is warm and sunny you can easily open them wide to let the breeze in. Solid wooden shutters can be a charming addition to the facade if you paint or decorate them.

wooden sliders inside a house

Heat retaining blackout blinds

You can beat the cold if you upgrade your blinds. It is possible to optimize their performance if you remove the old treatments and install something new. That’s the second option we are offering. To prevent heat from escaping in the cold winter months, it’s a good idea to have blackout blinds installed. Blackout blinds serve a dual purpose as well. In cold months they keep the heat inside the house. In hot days, they prevent the cool air from your HVAC system from escaping, and shield the house from the punishing summer sun.

You can look for installers that accept custom jobs for this, especially if your windows are atypically large or extra small. Winters are becoming unreasonably cold. It’s better to be prepared in case of a blizzard. Consider a secondary glazing on the blinds for additional insulation.

Winter frost and chilly air can make your family ill, especially if your home is not as warm as it should be during the cold months. Protection against the cold should always be your priority at wintertime. The temperature within the walls should be comfortable at all times. If it takes a few layers of clothing or an extra sweater to keep warm inside, it’s time to look into window treatments that can keep your home warm and safe against the cold.

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