How Netflix Changed Our Viewing Behavior

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Very few would remember that Netflix started as a DVD rental company in the late 90s. From there, it grew into a multi-billion streaming site that changed the world’s viewing behavior.

How did they pull it off? They listened and gave customers what they wanted.

The Beginning

Co-founders Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph started as an online movie subscription service offering unlimited DVD rentals and sales for a monthly fee. How it worked was the customer ordered a movie online, and it was delivered to their homes. The company attracted members with offers of no due dates and no shipping fees.

By 2005, Netflix had around 4.5 million members in the US. In 2007, it introduced streaming where members can watch TV shows and movies online. This was an answer to the changing viewing preferences of people; they wanted to meet customers on their preferred platform.

Some were skeptical about this move and doubted the company’s future. Little did we know just how big it would grow in the following years, and how it would tower over cable and network TV.

Netflix worked to increase its library by sealing agreements with production companies and distributors. It also bought licenses of canceled TV shows that had huge followings. One big step the company took was taking over “Arrested Development” and streaming it after it was canceled by Fox.

Taking Over the Streaming World

In 2013, Netflix made another bold step. They started producing original programming with hit shows like House of Cards and Orange is The New Black. These internet series immediately rivaled other acclaimed shows on cable TV. Add to that, the streaming site became the first online network to get nominations in the Emmy Awards.

Original movies soon followed and more nominations. The movie industry is still divided on Netflix’s right to get movie awards, but its 150 million members in 190 countries are hard to ignore.

Excellent User Experience

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In a recent survey, customers ranked Netflix on top over its rivals Amazon, Hulu, and HBO. Its customer-centric business model has really paid well.

Early on, Netflix recognized that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to knowing what the viewing public wants. They came up with an algorithm that suggests shows and movies to the member based on the profile and preferences. This saves time browsing through the extended library of options.

Next, it introduced binge-watching, launching complete seasons of shows. Viewers don’t need to wait week after week for the next episodes of their favorite shows. Also, there are no ads that will interrupt the viewing.

Other features include:

  • A 30-day free subscription that can be canceled anytime
  • Preview videos that automatically play when you scroll over a title
  • Download feature that allows members to watch offline
  • Ability to create multiple profiles and share their Netflix account

The company’s success is a clear indication that it listens to customers. It hires several third-party providers to conduct surveys and manage customer feedback on its behalf and is always innovating the way viewers enjoy their movies and shows.

Netflix’s use of enterprise feedback management and looping in customer opinion as well as its adaptation to its customer’s use of technology continues to guarantee its success. As customers, we’re thankful it’s here and our favorite movies and shows are just a click away.

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