Everything You Need to Do Before Selling Your House

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Selling a house can be complex and time-consuming, but certain things must be done to ensure a smooth sale. Homebuyers are more meticulous nowadays, and even the smallest details can make or break a deal.

To avoid any stressful surprises or last-minute scrambling, you must know what needs to be taken care of before putting your home on the market. Here is everything you need to do before selling your house:

Get your paperwork in order

Before you put your house on the market, get your paperwork in order. This includes everything from your mortgage documents to your homeowner’s insurance policy. Having all of your paperwork in order will make the selling process much smoother. It will help you avoid any last-minute complications. Your real estate agent will likely have a list of the required documents, so ask for this before you start. Once you have everything gathered, take some time to review everything and make sure that everything is up-to-date. This will give you peace of mind knowing everything is in order before selling your home.

Have the house inspected by a professional

Before listing your home for sale, have a professional inspection done. This will help you identify any potential repairs that need to be made and give you an accurate estimate of your home’s value. While many buyers will request their own inspection, it’s still a good idea to have one done beforehand. That way, you can address any problems and be prepared to negotiate on price.

In addition to a standard home inspection, you may also want to consider radon testing. Radon is a colorless, odorless gas found in all homes, and exposure to high levels can cause health problems. Luckily, radon inspection services can test for levels of radon gas and recommend ways to reduce it. This will ensure that your home is safe for you and the buyer.

Make any necessary repairs or updates

man fixing broken flooring tiles

Any house would eventually succumb to wear and tear. Still, make any necessary repairs or updates before you sell your home. Homebuyers will likely have the house inspected anyway, so it’s better to be proactive and take care of anything that needs to be fixed. Even small things like a leaky faucet or cracked tiles can be enough to dissuade a buyer from making an offer, so it’s essential to address these issues beforehand. If you’re unsure what needs to be fixed, consider hiring a professional home stager to give you some pointers. Home staging is the process of preparing a house for sale, and staggers can help you make your home more appealing to potential buyers.

Clean and declutter the house

Present your home in the best possible light when you’re selling it. That means decluttering and cleaning every nook and cranny. Not only will this make your home more appealing to potential buyers, but it will also help you get top dollar. Here are some tips for cleaning and decluttering your home before putting it on the market.

Start by purging any items you don’t need or use anymore. This includes clothes, books, toys, and decorative items. Not only will this make your home look more spacious, but it will also make it easier to keep things clean. Once you’ve decluttered, give your whole house a thorough cleaning. Dust all surfaces, vacuum carpets, floors, and scrub bathrooms and kitchens until they sparkle. Pay special attention to high-traffic areas like entryways and living rooms. You want potential buyers to see your home at its best.

Set a competitive price

Prices for houses in your area can vary widely, and it can be tough to know how to price your own home when you put it on the market. If you price your home too high, it might spend months on the market without selling. On the other hand, if you price your home too low, you might miss out on thousands of dollars that could have gone into your pocket. So how do you strike the right balance?

One approach is to compare your home to similar properties recently sold in your neighborhood. This will give you a good idea of what buyers are currently willing to pay for a house like yours. Another approach is to ask a real estate agent for comparative market analysis (CMA). This report considers recent trends in the housing market and the specific features of your home to come up with an estimate of its fair market value.

Once you have a good idea of what your home is worth, you can then start thinking about how much of a margin you want to add on top of that figure.

The bottom line

While you might think that selling your house is as simple as putting up a for-sale sign and waiting for the offers to come in, there’s actually a lot of work that goes into it. By taking care of repairs, cleaning and decluttering your home, and pricing it competitively, you can help ensure a smooth and successful transaction.

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