How Cancer Affects Your Employees’ Lives

A young employee with cancer
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Cancer is one of the most devastating diseases in the world. It happens when cells in the body start to grow and divide uncontrollably. This abnormal cell growth can invade and damage nearby tissues and organs, spreading to other body parts through the blood and lymph systems.

There are many different types of cancer, with each type affecting a specific part of the body. Some common types include breast cancer and lung cancer. This abnormal cell growth can invade and damage nearby tissues and organs, spreading to other body parts through the blood and lymph systems.

Cancer is a devastating diagnosis for anyone, but it can even be more challenging for those trying to juggle work and family obligations. As an employer, you must know your employees’ challenges and provide support where possible. Here’s a look at how cancer can affect your employees’ lives and what you can do to help.

The Physical Effects of Cancer

Cancer treatment can take a toll on your employees’ bodies, causing fatigue, nausea, pain, and more. This can make it difficult for them to complete their work tasks and may even lead to absences. Thankfully, there are ways you can help deal with this. Here are three of those ways:

Free Wigs

Most employees who are going through chemotherapy experience hair loss. This is because the chemo targets all rapidly dividing cells, including hair follicles. Deeply rooted in societal beauty standards, hair loss can significantly impact one’s self-esteem and emotional well-being.

As an employer, you can offer robust wigs as part of your benefits package. This small gesture can make a big difference in helping your employee feel more confident and comfortable during their cancer journey.

Flexible Scheduling

Cancer treatment often means frequent doctor’s appointments, surgeries, and other medical procedures. This can require extensive time off for your employee to recover and attend appointments, leading to potential work absences. As an employer, you can offer flexible scheduling options such as remote work or shift swapping to accommodate your employee’s needs.

Paid Leave

Many employees may not have enough sick days or vacation time to cover their cancer treatment and recovery. You can offer paid leave for medical appointments and recovery time as an employer, providing much-needed financial support during this difficult time.

Hair loss due to cancer

The Emotional Effects of Cancer

In addition to the physical effects, cancer can also take an emotional toll on your employees. They may feel anxious, scared, or depressed. This can impact their work performance and their ability to interact with co-workers. Here are three ways you can help deal with the emotional effects of cancer among your employees:

Support Group

Those who have cancer often need a support system during their journey. As an employer, you can offer a cancer support group for your employees to connect with others going through similar experiences, providing emotional support and practical advice.

Counseling Services

Access to counseling services can benefit those struggling with the emotional side effects of cancer. As an employer, you can provide resources for counseling or even cover the cost as part of your benefits package.

Time Off for Self-Care

Self-care is essential for managing stress and maintaining overall well-being during cancer treatment. As an employer, you can offer time off designated for self-care activities such as therapy sessions, relaxing at home, or vacationing.

The Financial Effects of Cancer

Cancer treatment is expensive, and your employees may struggle to pay for it if they don’t have good health insurance. In some cases, they may even have to go into debt. As an employer, you can help by offering financial assistance. Here are some of those options:

Payroll Deductions

You can offer a payroll deduction option for employees to contribute to a cancer support fund, which can help cover treatment costs and expenses for cancer patients.

Health Insurance Coverage

Having robust health insurance coverage is crucial for managing the financial burden of cancer treatment. As an employer, you can offer comprehensive health insurance options to your employees, including coverage for prescription medications and medical procedures related to cancer treatment.


Your employees may encounter unexpected out-of-pocket expenses during their cancer journeys, such as transportation to appointments or specialized medical equipment. You can offer reimbursement for these expenses to alleviate some financial burdens as an employer.

Cancer can be challenging for employees trying to balance work and family obligations. As an employer, you must know your employees’ challenges and provide support where possible. By understanding cancer’s physical, emotional, and financial effects, you can make a difference in your employees’ lives and help them through this difficult time.

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