Four Common Business Vehicle Problems

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Business vehicles are excellent investments as they help improve your processes’ efficiency, from delivering goods to transportation of passengers. However, since vehicles encounter several issues that may impede your operations, it’s important to know the causes of each problem and how to take good care of this essential investment.

Here are some common issues you may encounter with your vehicle and learn some tips on how to prevent them.

Windshield Cracks

Windshields are usually prone to damage caused by bad weather, road debris, collisions, and more. Once a small chip becomes a full-fledged crack, you have to get an auto glass replacement service immediately to avoid further damage. Make sure to address any issues as they can also result in expensive repair costs. Here are some tips to prevent windshield damage:

  • Park Indoors: Park your vehicle inside to protect it from intense weather conditions like too much heat. When your windshield heats up, a small crack can expand and cause more damage.
  • Avoid Busy Highways: Drive on the side of the road as much as possible to lower the chance of your windshield getting hit by flying debris. Busy highways are full of trucks and other automobiles that can send road debris into your windshield. If you must drive on busy highways regularly, ensure that you keep your distance from other vehicles to avoid debris that can damage your vehicle.
  • Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Protect your windshield from temperature changes because it can cause the metal frame to expand and contract, putting stress on the glass and causing a windshield pressure crack. If you need to thaw your ice-covered windshield, It’s recommended to spray it with a de-icing solution instead of using your car’s windshield defroster.

Tire Failure

Tire failure is one the most common causes of business vehicle breakdowns, whether caused by prolonged use or debris in the road. Under-inflated tires can also overheat, which leads to higher chances of tire damage. Your vehicle should always maintain proper tire pressure and tread conditions to ensure its optimum performance. Here are some common ways to avoid tire failure:

  • Maintain Proper Alignment: It’s important to maintain proper alignment to reduce wear and tear in your tires. It also reduces the risks of accidents and other road issues and can also prolong the lifespan of your tires.
  • Minimize Heat and Cold: Always make sure your tires are in a controlled environment. Too much heat can speed up the aging process, while extreme cold can ruin the tire compounds and make them wear out a lot faster.
  • Check Tire Pressure: Checking tire pressure is one of the most important things to do to prevent tire blowouts. You’ll get better mileage, minimize emissions, and save fuel with properly inflated tires. It’s also safer as they won’t skid on wet surfaces, and they also last longer than under-inflated tires.
  • Avoid Overloading: Passenger vehicles are designed to fit more people, but it’s also a common cause of tire blowouts. Avoid exceeding the limit of your vehicle by checking its gross weight rating, which should be the same as your recommended tire pressure. If you can’t avoid carrying a heavier load, you can increase your tires’ pressure to the indicated maximum load.

Electrical Issues

car aircon

Modern business vehicles are now reliant on intricate electrical systems to function. The battery, alternator, and other electrical systems control the vehicle’s functionality, and if they fail, you may encounter various issues with your cars, such as faulty lights, broken fuses, and battery problems.

Also, if there are times when you smell burning plastic, you should stop using your car as it can be a sign of an electrical failure. Take your vehicle to a service station for diagnosis as soon as possible to avoid other major problems.

Faulty Batteries

One of the top causes of a vehicle breakdown is faulty batteries. If your engine cranks but the car won’t start, it’s a possible sign of a battery problem. Always be prepared by keeping jumper cables to help you get on the road quickly.

Avoid skimping on your car batteries because the cheaper ones are usually not as long-lasting. Remember that investing in high-quality batteries is important to avoid costly replacements and repairs in the future. Also, make sure they are free from corrosion and maintain proper connections to make your batteries run efficiently.

Make sure to properly maintain your business vehicle to avoid costly problems that can eventually affect your revenue. These problems may be inevitable, but proper maintenance will help prevent these issues and allow your business to thrive for the longest time.

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