Creative Ways to Preserve Memories

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Happy moments in our lives are fleeting, and when they pass, all we have are memories of that moment. It’s a custom to take pictures and keep memorabilia as a reminder of that moment simply because they made you feel good. In today’s digital world, pictures are taken then uploaded on social media instead of putting them in a picture album. This is not to say that uploading on social media is bad, but nothing more precious than seeing tangible pictures as you flip through the album. Here are some creative ways to make your memories everlasting.

Put Your Pictures in a Scrapbook

Scrapbooking is a creative way to preserve memories if you are a crafty person. Develop your pictures and put them in a scrapbook, then decorate it with embellishments that you can buy from a craft store. The whole activity gets your mind off things and will have your creative juices flowing.

There is no golden rule for scrapbooking—you have to explore your creativity and decide what looks best and what’s not for you. You can add labels such as the place where it was taken, the date, the highlights of that trip or event, who you were with, and so on.

happy memories with friends

Buy Memorabilia

Memorabilia is a commemorative item about an event, a trip, or a person. If you failed to obtain memorabilia in an event, you could purchase autographed memorabilia online. You can frame the memorabilia and display them in the living room, entertainment room, or your bedroom. Don’t contain them in the basement or attic because it defeats the purpose of wanting to relive that memory. Display it in an area where you can always see it because it can be a good conversation starter if you have guests.

Create Stories

Create a story about an event, a trip, or a person and tell the story to your family so that it gets passed down from generation to generation. This ensures that your story will live for many years to come. This is why stories of the past are alive today because of the people that live to tell them. Tell your story to your children and grandchildren, if you have any, before bedtime.

Get Crafty with Vacation Jars

Like memorabilia, you can gather random items from a recent trip you’ve had and compile them in a jar. Don’t just chuck them inside—instead, arrange them to create a unified front when viewed from the outside. You can use glue, sand, or any other embellishment that will make the entire arrangement presentable and pretty. This can be displayed on a shelf or any space that can be seen so that you’ll get reminded of that trip every time you look at it.

Write Them in a Journal

Another alternative to creating stories is by writing your memory on paper or in a journal. What’s nice about this is that you can word them as creatively as you can. This is a perfect way of immortalizing your memories if you have a knack for writing. You can read your journal anytime to relive that exact moment and pass this on to your children, grandchildren, and for many generations to come. Besides, writing is good exercise for the brain too.

Good memories are worth reliving every time because they bring happiness and fondness for the simpler times. These are the kind of memories that you don’t want to forget, and they make you want to preserve them by taking pictures, keeping memorabilia, and telling stories of it. Things may change, but the memories stay the same. The ways above are ideas on how to preserve your memories endearingly so that you can look back on them when you’re gray and old. Moreover, these preservations can be passed from one generation to another.

You might think that you don’t need to preserve all the good memories you have right now because the memory is still fresh, but you’ll regret it once your memories start to blur. But when you preserve them in creative ways, you’ll always have to look back, and the memories are crisp as if they happened yesterday. So strive to keep your memories alive as possible so that you’ll be entertained when you are lonely. Although social media is one way of preserving memories, you can also preserve them by making them tangible.

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