Dealing with the Four Most Common Roofing Issues

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Your roof protects your largest asset. So, it’s only proper to know any signs of problems before it gets worse. Fortunately, there are many tell-tale signs that you can consider to help you spot them even from the ground.

It’s every contractor’s job to identify potential roof problems. Although many contractors offer it for free, it’s always better to know how to identify these problems before causing any further issues. So, here are a few roofing problems that you need to know to help maintain your roof for years to come.

roof shingles

Roof leaks

If you want to know the leak’s source, Family Handyman says you can start looking at the roof uphill from the water stains. Then, check for any roof penetrations that can be a potential cause of water leaks. Bear in mind that there are items that can penetrate the roof. Thus, causing it to get leaks. Penetrations can include roof or plumbing vents, dormers, or even chimneys.

Meanwhile, for those who have access to their attics, the easiest way to track it down is by going up inside while carrying a flashlight. Be mindful of any water stains or mold as these are tell-tale signs of water leaks.


Roofing material can deteriorate as the years’ pass, especially when exposed to various weather conditions. Roofs and even patio decks need waterproof coatings to add a layer of protection against external forces that can affect its durability. It’s always best to check for any weathering signs and see if it needs any replacement.

Usually, inorganic roofing materials are less prone compared to organic roofing materials. However, exposure to the industrial atmosphere or pollutants can hasten the decaying process, no matter what roofing material you’re using.

Design problems

There are times when it’s not just the weather that can cause a roof to deteriorate. Poorly designed tops can be an expensive problem to correct, too. When a house has design-related issues, there’s a chance that the weak structure that supports the roof might collapse under heavy loads. Also, a sagging roof or flawed drainage system can create pools of water on the roof. Thus, causing it to weaken in time. Incompatible materials used in the entire roofing construction can cause problems, too.

Wind damage

There are times when the wind creates an uplifting pressure and a vacuum that can potentially blow the roof’s edge. It can rip a portion of the roofing system or membrane, causing the roof to get damaged when that happens. To prevent it from occurring, you can fasten and secure the roofing and insulation to the primary roof structure and its perimeter to counter the forces caused by the wind.

These are only a few of the things you need to remember to manage your roof. It’s always best to conduct regular inspections, especially days before the storm, to reduce any chances of damages. Not only will it ensure that your house will remain safe, but it’ll save you thousands of dollars’ worth of repairs, too.

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