Going Shopping: How to Choose the Right Dress for Your Needs

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Men have suits. Women have dresses. However, there is a stark comparison between the two, especially when it comes to choice. Unlike suits, dresses are limited to one design, simply because it’s only one-piece clothing. Suits have multiple layers, and the design can easily be managed, and unwanted colors can be covered up, but dresses don’t have this capability.

Moreover, dresses can be quite expensive, despite lacking the many elements of a suit. So how do you exactly find the right dress for any occasion? This article will explain the various things that will affect how your dress will look for other people. We will also explore what makes particular dresses shine among others.


The first thing we ever see on a dress is its color. But, interestingly enough, most people can distinguish which is the right color for them after years of experience. But personal experience can be misleading.

People can think that a particular dress looks good on them, and because of peer pressure, your friends might also say that it’s good for you. This can lead to disastrous consequences when you’re out at a party or your best friend’s wedding. With this in mind, there is one way you can pick the right dress for you, and that’s by understanding color theory.

Color Theory

Color theory can help you choose the right dress for you by helping you understand which colors pair with one another. If we put it in simple terms, you don’t want to mix multiple colors on top of one another. This will lead to a very uncanny look on your dress, and that’s something people don’t want to see.

Instead, consider the theme of your dress and distinguish what primary color you want and secondary color(s) that can compliment it. Two to three colors and not more than that should be enough. Additionally, you need to know which colors are warm and which are cold. This will help you determine which colors you can mix.


Next up is the theme of your dress. We have to thank people who have a general theme for their parties because this makes it so much easier for us to know what theme to follow. It’s all about connecting what specific color fits the party’s theme, but don’t overthink it. People like far simpler dresses, and a complicated dress trying everything is too bold for many.

Also, don’t make the mistake of choosing the color of your dress based on the season. It turns out there is no distinguishing color for a specific season.


We all think that cool colors fit with seasons like autumn and winter, while warm colors fit with seasons like spring and summer. However, it turns out that there is no defining color for each season. Color analysis has shown that no particular cluster of colors fits with a specific season entirely. Each cluster has less than half of its required effect, so there is an effect, but it’s too small to identify.

So stick with our tip above, and choose the color based on theme and colors that can complement the primary color in your head.


Next up is the pattern. The pattern of a dress can easily complement its distinguishing color. Various patterns can fit for everyday use. Vintage patterns are one good example. As we all know, vintage always looks soothing in the eye because it’s something we are familiar with. It’s something we like to see no matter what, and this is why it’s such a good pattern to have on a dress.

A bold pattern is checkers, and if you ask us, there are only two ways this pattern can look: it’s either it’ll look wonderful or awful. A black and white checkered pattern is a safe choice, but other colors can always pose a risk of looking too bold.


Lastly, we have to discuss the fabric. The dress’s fabric can affect the dress’s price, and it can also affect the design of the dress entirely. But we believe that there are only two good textiles for a dress: cotton lawn and soft linen.

These fabrics are comfortable enough to wear for a whole day without sabotaging the color and design of the dress. They fit in any party, and they are also great for everyday use. So you can never go wrong by picking dresses with these fabrics.

Going shopping for a dress can be a serious headache. But with this guide, it makes your shopping experience much simpler. So have these tips in your mind next time you go dress shopping.

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