How to Stage Your Home for an Faster Sale

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Your home may be beautiful, but if it’s not presenting itself as attractively as possible, you may not be able to sell it as easily and quickly as you’d like. When you’re selling your home, the easiest way to increase your asking price and attract more buyers is to stage it to look its absolute best.

Staging a home is an art form that can take some time to master, but anyone can learn how to do it well with the right tips and tricks. This article will give you five of the best ways to stage your home for an easier sell, plus some additional steps you should consider taking if you have the time and resources available to you.

What You Need to Consider

Like staging a house for sale, you can use a few key elements in your own home to make it look more appealing when you go to sell. When potential buyers walk through your door, they want everything clean and organized. The trick is making sure what was once messy is still functional and livable, but also looks good enough that someone is willing to buy it.

Some of these items will require some money; others will just take time or effort on your part. Put some money into savings, devote some time to cleaning or sprucing up, then sit back and see if anyone bites! If not, at least you know what needs changing before putting your home on the market again down the road.

Starting with the Kitchen

Kitchens are usually one of the main selling points in a home, so yours must be well-designed and equipped. Before listing your house, replace your kitchen fixtures like faucets, cabinet hardware, light fixtures, etc. with updated versions. If you don’t have sufficient storage space within your cabinets or on countertops, add shelving or pot racks to provide additional space. A fresh coat of paint can also go a long way in making your kitchen feel newer. If possible, purchase new appliances to give buyers more reasons to want to buy your place; if you want new and improved without paying full price, look into lightly used or reconditioned models.

The Bedroom

monochromatic bedroom interior

Since buyers spend a lot of time in bedrooms, add some color and make sure beds are clean and neatly made. If you have t-shirts or sheets on them, take them off. And don’t forget to make sure your shoes are stowed away in your closet. It will give potential buyers a better idea of how much room there is—and if they’ll be able to fit their shoes.

Don’t crowd closets with unnecessary items that fill up space, like hangers and shoe boxes. Instead, opt for more open space, so things look tidy; try rolling up shirts rather than storing them folded into shoeboxes. This will give off a cleaner vibe.

Moving on To Living Areas

In your living room, be sure nothing is distracting — like a nice entertainment center. While it may be tempting to move everything from wall to wall, remember that buyers don’t just look at what you want them to see; they look at every square inch of a home. It might seem like overkill, but clearing stuff away will make things easier when they are evaluating your home.

Make sure to set your living room in color tones that will suit the entire house and display the vibe you’re gunning for. You can check out these colors’ compatibility with various styles on sites like Paint or Houzz, or ask a design professional for advice.

Other Home Decorating Tips

On a tight budget? Try removing all of your home’s doors and painting them a bright color. This unexpected approach instantly adds character and is surprisingly cost-effective. If you don’t like dealing with paint, try using wallpaper instead! You can also opt for lighting fixtures, artwork, and other accessories when staging your home to make it more attractive.

If you have a beautiful outdoor, take good pictures of it as well! Let buyers imagine themselves enjoying what you’ve already worked so hard to create. Decorate it as if you were putting together a magazine spread. Put some throw pillows and dress them up in eye-catching outdoor cushion covers. It can also be done inside your home! Put some pillows in your living room or as an accent in your bed.

These tips can help you prepare your home for a successful sale. By taking action now, you’ll be well on your way to making a profitable sale and moving into your next dream home. Consider what improvements to make and get rid of excess clutter.

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