How to Make Your Home More Inviting This Christmas

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You must already have a list of tasks that need to be done to get your home as pleasant and comfortable as possible. While a lot of us have already gotten around to duct cleaning and furnace filter replacing, some others are doing their decluttering and general home cleaning.

Now the only thing left to do is decorate your home and make it as warm and inviting as possible.

Making Your Home More Inviting this Christmas

1. Get everyone in the family involved.

When it comes to decorating your house and setting it up for the holidays, nothing is more fun than letting the whole family in on the action. A place that is clearly set up by the entire family can be seen and felt by guests and visitors, which makes a home warmer and cozier.

2. Add a few touches of green indoors.

Whether it be faux or real, some green indoors can definitely give a house a cozier feel. If you don’t have direct access to plants and other natural elements, you can go to your nearest store and buy some garlands to frame your doors and windows or line up the railings on your stairs to make it more festive.

3. Wrap your gifts well and use them as decor.

A few well-wrapped presents make for outstanding Christmas decors around the house. You can have most of them placed under your tree and leave a few smaller boxes displayed on console tables or countertops while you still haven’t shipped them out to your loved ones. Just make sure you have them all shipped out in time to avoid shipping delays.

4. Consider using elegant disposable tableware.

Make hosting dinners a lot more elegant and easier to clean up by using chic disposable tableware. It gives your table set-up a touch of class and gives you more time to spend with your guests because clean-up has never been easier.

5. Drop some nostalgia to the mix.

If you have a few trinkets and ornaments that remind you of happy memories, don’t be ashamed to display them for everyone to see. They make for great conversation starters and holiday display pieces.

6. Give a twist to your favorite Christmas traditions.

Most families have certain holiday traditions that they observe. However, in light of the pandemic, a lot of them will have to make some slight changes to their traditions. Examine which traditions you and your loved ones hold dear and see how you can still somewhat fulfill them.

holiday home

7. Don’t be afraid to use patterns this season.

When it comes to decorating, patterns can be risky, especially if they don’t blend well with the current theme. But since it’s Christmas time, you can go crazy with your experiments. You can use themed tableware that matches your red-and-green plaid table runner. You can perhaps mix and match some patterns along with some Christmas colors for your throw pillowcases and blankets.

8. Make your home really comfy by adding layers of blankets and pillows.

Speaking of pillows and blankets, adding a few more throw pillows — even larger ones — in your family room and living room can dramatically make them a lot more comfortable-looking and cozier. A few smaller blankets here and there adds more warmth to your place, so take advantage of them as well.

9. Bring out the welcome mat.

Your home’s entrance is vital. It is the one that will greet your guests when they come over, so to make your home more attractive from the streets, don’t neglect to touch up your main entrance with some decors, garlands, lights, and a few well-placed holiday plants.

10. Fill the air with a pleasing holiday aroma.

There’s nothing like stepping inside a house and being greeted by a pleasant aroma. In most cases, when you have guests over for lunch or dinner, the smell of the food that’s being prepped in the kitchen is enough to fill the house. If you want to add more to it, you can use scented candles, potpourri, or even essential oils to make your home more relaxing.

11. Add a few natural elements to your interiors.

Bringing nature indoors, especially plants, is always a good thing for a home. Not only do plants improve the air quality around your house, but they also break the monotony inside. In fact, indoor plants are all the rage among Millennials today.

12. Get rid of the stacks.

Nobody likes to see clutter. They’re very unpleasing to the eye and can add a lot of stress to a house’s occupants. Attack those stacks and get rid of your clutter. Store them well or get them organized if you can’t dispose of them yet.

We hope that you find the above-mentioned tips helpful in making your home cozier and more inviting amid the pandemic. Stay indoors and stay safe! Happy holidays to you and your family!

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