Mouth Injuries in Contact Sports to Worry About

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Mouth injuries are a common occurrence in contact sports. As a player, it is essential to protect your mouth by wearing a mouthguard. A mouthguard can help prevent injuries to your teeth, lips, and gums.

If you are playing a contact sport, wear a mouthguard. It could save you from a painful injury. Some of the best pro athletes wear it, with basketball superstar Stephen Curry among the most prominent. Mouth injuries might not be the worst type, but they can be the most irritating and painful.

A few different types of mouth injuries can occur in contact sports. Here are the most common ones you might encounter.

Lip Bust

Lip busts are a common injury in contact sports. They happen when a player takes a hit to the face, and the impact causes the lip to split open. It can be painful and leave the player with a bloody lip.

When a player suffers a lip bust, cleaning the wound and applying pressure to stop the bleeding is crucial. If the injury is severe, it might require stitches. Players should avoid playing until the wound has healed.

Athletes can prevent lip busts by wearing a mouthguard. Mouthguards help absorb the impact of a hit, which can reduce the risk of injury. It also ensures your teeth remain protected, preventing lip busts from worsening. If you do encounter a lip bust, you must ensure that you stop the bleeding. Cleaning the wound and avoiding playing until it has healed is also essential.

Missing Teeth

A teeth missing from a person

Missing teeth are one of the most severe mouth injuries that can occur in contact sports. They usually happen when a player gets hit in the mouth with a hard object, such as a ball or another player’s elbow. The impact can cause the tooth to become dislodged or completely knocked out.

If you lose a tooth while playing a contact sport, it is essential to find the tooth and bring it with you to the dentist. There is a chance the dentist can reattach the tooth if brought within an hour of being lost.

It is also crucial to rinse your mouth out with warm water and apply pressure to any bleeding gums. A cold compress can also help reduce swelling. Players should avoid playing until the injury has healed to prevent further damage.

Wearing a mouthguard is the best way to protect your teeth from being knocked out. Finding a comfortable and well-fitting mouthguard to wear while playing any contact sport is essential. However, you might suffer from missing teeth even with mouthguard protection. It might be better to get teeth replacement services when your tooth gets knocked out. A missing tooth could have a significant impact on your appearance and confidence. Moreover, it could affect your speech and ability to eat correctly.

Gum Lacerations

Gum lacerations are another common mouth injury in contact sports. They occur when the gums get cut or ripped open. It can be a painful injury, and it can also cause bleeding. If you suffer from a gum laceration, it is essential to rinse your mouth out with warm water.

Infection is a significant risk with gum lacerations. It can be challenging to treat immediately, with most gum lacerations requiring emergency dental services. If you have a cut or tear on your gums, it is essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

If you suffer from a gum laceration, you can do a few things to help the healing process. Here are some home remedies to help soothe the area and promote healing:

  • Rinse your mouth with warm water several times a day. It will help clean the wound and reduce the risk of infection.
  • Apply pressure to the wound with a clean cloth or gauze. It will help stop the bleeding.
  • Place a cold compress outside your cheek near the injured gum. It will help reduce swelling.
  • Take ibuprofen or naproxen to reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Avoid eating crunchy or sticky foods that could aggravate the injury.
  • See a dentist as soon as possible for evaluation and treatment.

Bitten Tongue

When players bite their tongues, it can be a harrowing experience. It can also cause bleeding and swelling. Sometimes, it might even cause the player to lose a tooth.

If you bite your tongue while playing a contact sport, cleaning the wound and applying pressure to stop the bleeding are essential. You should also avoid eating anything crunchy or sticky, as it could aggravate the injury.

If the injury is severe, you might need to seek medical attention. A dentist can help evaluate the damage and provide treatment if necessary. The most common issues with a bitten tongue are lacerations and bruising. In some cases, there might be a small amount of tissue loss.


Several mouth injuries can occur in contact sports. Some of the most common include lip busts, missing teeth, gum lacerations, and bitten tongues. Wearing a mouthguard is the best way to protect your teeth and gums from injury. If you do suffer from a mouth injury, it is essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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