Popular Marketing Strategies to Leave in 2020

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How many times do you find yourself bombarded with ads every time you browse social media? Even if you work in marketing, you probably don’t like seeing too many ads either. Chances are you gladly click “Skip Ad” when you watch a Youtube video, and grumble when the ad doesn’t provide such an option.

The truth is, consumers would always dislike ads, even if brands shorten them. But it’s not because they don’t like what the ad shows. Rather, it’s because they want to see what they surfed the web for without multiple ads interrupting them. Think of it like watching your favorite show on cable TV; don’t you also get bummed when an ad break suddenly cuts the scene?

The key to producing an ad that your customers will like lies in your marketing strategy. With the help of the right marketing agency, you can come up with an effective, emotive ad that will help your business reach its goals.

And more importantly, the experts will help you avoid the marketing traps that render your ads annoying and ineffective. Such are the following:

1. Leveraging National Tragedies

Every brand wants to appear updated with current events. But it doesn’t mean you should leverage national tragedies and expect your audience to be pleased. Instead of using catastrophic incidents to spread brand awareness, use a commemoration approach. For example, post content on the anniversary of a certain tragedy, and accompany it with a meaningful message. But never use that tragedy as an opportunity to promote your products or services.

2. Political Overtones

Many brands make the mistake of jumping on the bandwagon when a certain trend booms, like political overtones. While consumers believe that brands should have a political stand, they are thoughtful in doing so. Simply following a trend turns off customers, while staying out of politics altogether can make your brand appear inauthentic.

3. Click baiting

This infamous tactic is known for being abused by “Youtubers”. Unfortunately, some brands use it as well. Click baiting simply means luring customers into your website or social media through misleading content. For example, posting media about huge discounts, which, when clicked by a customer, will redirect them to your website, where discounts are either very little or nonexistent.

Though clickbait-y content works in creating engagement, the gains are only short-term, and the long-term effects can be harmful. So post content that’s genuine and honest, and your audience will trust and respect you more.

4. Intrusive Content

A perfect example of intrusive content is an ad that blocks half or the whole page of a website. You’d usually find them on news sites. Sometimes, the “x” button is too small, as if the advertiser purposely didn’t want you to exit the ad.

Sure, an intrusive ad can catch attention quickly, but it’s off-putting and makes your brand look desperate. Tone down the scale of your ads, and ensure that they will appeal to your target audience.

5. Trying Too Hard to Be Edgy

A lot of brands are under pressure to be cut out from the rest. As such, they try to be “edgy”, adopting concepts that they think make them, unlike their competitors. But often, it results in offensive content, and therefore negative feedback. Avoid this trap by staying true to your message and mission. Get to know your audience well, and understand what truly resonates with them, instead of simply trying hard to be different.

woman frustrated

Ways to Fix Your Ineffective Ad Strategies

If you ever used any of the marketing strategies above, you can still redeem yourself before it’s too late. Below are the top approaches that will make your ads more relatable, engaging, and fun:

1. Target Emotions

A perfect example of this is The New York Time’s “Project Feels”. The publisher posted ads alongside articles based on the feelings the article invokes to the reader. By using the same approach, you can target your ads to people who are already feeling the emotions you’re hoping to capture. This prevents your ad from looking disruptive or “ruining the moment.”

2. Market Through Public Figures

Using celebrities and influencers never gets old. Such an approach makes your brand more trustworthy because consumers love hearing feedback from their favorite public figures. However, ensure that the public figures you’re approaching are real fans of your product or service. Forcing them into a sponsorship deal may eventually backfire on you.

3. Be Transparent

It’s now common knowledge that brands use their customers’ data so that they can give them the right ads. It lets brands predict their customer’s behaviors. But sometimes, this strategy can cause fear. Indeed, who would feel secure when their phones show them ads about a brand they were just thinking about?

Therefore, let your customers know how you use their data. Disclose your brand’s data management on your website’s FAQ. This will inspire confidence among your customers, and eliminate the “creepy” image from your brand.

Abandon the popular but ineffective marketing strategies in 2020, and face the rest of 2021 with phenomenal ads and a strengthened relationship with your customers.

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