How to Keep Homes Protected

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Home sales during the pandemic surged due in part to lower mortgage rates and increased demand for properties in the suburban areas. The work-from-home arrangements of companies also encouraged buy their first homes in the middle of the health crisis.

Owning a home is a significant milestone in the life of a person and his family. It is a great investment, and people will likely do anything to ensure nothing happens to the home. Due to this, they would find different ways and means to protect it. Here are some tips people can take into account to protect their homes.

Secure the Doors

The first thing homeowners should do is to secure the doors to prevent anyone from entering the home. This means they should make sure the exterior doors of the home have durable frames and protected hinges. They should also make sure the mail slot is just enough for mail to slip through while preventing anyone from reaching in.

People can also use heavy-duty euro cylinder locks to prevent unauthorized entry into the house. These locks are ideal for any entry door in the house, including the front and back doors. Aside from these locks, homeowners can also install a deadbolt and a smart doorbell to check who is in front of the door without opening or even going near the door. The smart doorbell also allows homeowners to check who is on the porch even if they are in the office due to the video camera that comes with these smart devices.

Secure the Windows

Aside from the external doors, burglars can also pass through the windows of the house. To prevent them from entering the home through the windows, homeowners should install locks on the windows. They should also make sure to maintain the locks properly. If they cannot install locks, the windows should have latches at the very least. These latches should be durable and do not break easily when someone forces them to open from the outside.

Unless the window glass is made of polycarbonate material, homeowners need to use window security film to reinforce it. The security film is a polyester film that can keep the glass of the windows together when it shatters. Homeowners can also install glass break sensors on the windows to alert them if the glass of the window breaks.

Installing window blinds also keep people from easily seeing into the home. This prevents would-be burglars from surveying the items inside the home as they plan a break-in later.

Install a Home Security System

Another good idea to secure the home is to install a home security system. Homeowners can opt to get a basic alarm system that they can install themselves. They also have the option of getting a smart security system that features home automation and professional monitoring. Whichever option they get, they should make sure it can cover important areas in the house, including the front and back doors, garage, and other areas where burglars can enter.

The security system should feature security cameras that allow the homeowner to monitor their homes even if they are not in the house. Setting up motion sensors for the cameras can also save energy costs since the cameras activate once the sensors detect movement within a specific area.

A carbon monoxide detector is another feature that some home security systems have. This feature allows homeowners to detect the buildup of this nearly undetectable gas inside the house. It can alert the homeowners of the buildup before it can harm the occupants of the house.

The homeowner can also incorporate a fire alarm in the system to alert him and his family if a fire breaks out while they are sleeping. It also allows the homeowner to monitor his home against fires while he’s in the office.

Enhance the Lighting

A well-lighted home typically discourages burglaries since burglars do not want to be spotted while trying to enter a home. Due to this, homeowners should make sure their homes have enough lights outside. If you want to save money on energy bills, you can install motion-activated lighting systems.

These lighting systems switch one when the sensor detects movement in the same way a motion-activated camera works. If you have a smart security system, you can program the lights to switch on at night if you go on a vacation. This gives the impression that someone is inside the house. The homeowners should also make sure to install the lights properly to avoid issues of burglary in the future.

Keeping the home protected from burglars and other criminals is one of the priorities of new homeowners. They can do so by installing security devices to protect it.

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