Documents You Can Show To Increase Your Real Estate Property’s Value

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• Gas Safety Certificate: This proves all gas appliances in a home have been regularly tested for safety by qualified engineers.

• EICRs: Report made after an inspection providing essential information about the condition and safety features of the electrical system.

• Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs): An assessment of how energy efficient a particular building is.

• Building Regulations Completion Certificate: This confirms that all works carried out within the building comply with safety requirements and standards.

• You should also have title deeds, land registry documents, planning permissions, and local authority searches.

As a real estate investor, there are a few documents you should always have on hand to increase the value of your property. These documents provide potential buyers with the peace of mind and help them make an informed decision when purchasing a property. Here are a few of the most important documents you can show to increase your real estate property’s value.

Gas Safety Certificate

A gas safety certificate proves that all gas appliances within a home have been regularly tested for safety by qualified engineers who are registered with Gas Safe Register. This includes boilers, cookers, hobs, fires, showers, and other gas appliances throughout the home. Having this document on hand will give potential buyers peace of mind and demonstrate that you take their health and safety seriously as they consider investing in your real estate property.

Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICRs)

An EICR for your property is a report that is made after an inspection of an electrical installation in residential or commercial properties. It provides essential information about the condition and safety features of the electrical system, which helps to protect both prospective buyers and sellers from any potential hazard or liability issues associated with the property. It also ensures that all wiring and components meet safety regulations and standards, making it easier for anyone looking to purchase the property to feel secure in their investment.

Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)


An EPC is an assessment of how energy efficient a particular building is based on its age, construction type, location, and other factors such as insulation levels or heating systems used in the property. The report contains information about energy efficiency ratings for different buildings as well as recommendations for improvements that could be made to reduce energy bills in future years, thus increasing the value of the property overall.

Building Regulations Completion Certificate

This document confirms that all works carried out within a building comply with Building Regulations requirements set out by local authorities regarding minimum standards for design, construction, and alterations in terms of health and safety considerations and energy efficiency measures, etc. Having this document can prove invaluable when it comes to reassuring potential buyers about any recent renovations or alterations carried out within a home before they commit to buying it.

Other Minor Documents

Apart from the main documents above, there are some minor documents that you should also have on hand when selling a property. These include the following:

Title Deeds

Title deed

This document shows who legally owns the property and can be used as proof of ownership. Title deeds are required when transferring ownership of a property. They provide peace of mind to the buyer that they are making a legal and secure purchase.

Land Registry Documents

This document shows the boundaries of the property and can be used to identify any potential disputes over land ownership with neighboring properties. It is essential to have these documents up-to-date in case of any future disputes or claims.

Planning Permissions

These documents provide evidence that all building works have been carried out with the necessary permissions from local councils. This can be a crucial factor in giving potential buyers confidence in their investment decision.

Local Authority Searches

This document carries information about any existing planning issues or restrictions, outstanding fines or charges on the property, and any potential development plans in the local area that could affect the property’s value.

Having the proper documents in place can be a great way to increase your real estate property’s value and give potential buyers peace of mind. From Electrical Installation Condition Reports (EICRs) to Local Authority Searches, having these key documents on hand will demonstrate that you take their health and safety seriously as they consider investing in your property.

With all this information readily available, it is much easier for anyone looking to purchase the property to feel secure with their investment decision. Ultimately, taking the time to acquire and maintain these essential documents can help make sure that selling or leasing out a home runs smoothly and quickly!

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