Remote Work: The Likelihood of Cyber Threats

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The pandemic caused businesses to make drastic changes in their work setups. With affordable technology and high-speed internet, employees could adapt to the work-from-home setting. Companies even started to create corporate communication videos by hiring virtual production services to reduce direct contact and prevent viral transmission.

However, this move made cybersecurity a huge concern. Cyberattacks have been shooting up in numbers. Remote work increases the chances of cybercrime, as firms don’t have the infrastructure to secure a remote working environment.

Hackers and other cybercriminals took advantage of the situation, and cybersecurity threats became persistent. High-profile attacks can expose sensitive data, which can put firms at risk. That’s why cyberattacks became a massive concern to every industry.


Typical Cyber Threats

Cyber security experts must have in-depth knowledge about these various threats. Otherwise, these will keep risking the privacy of every firm. Hereunder are the types of threats that need proper attention:

  • Malware: Cyberattacks using this type involve codes. These codes will cause immense damage to data and systems. Aside from that, hackers can gain unauthorized access to the firm’s network.

malware detected on pc

  • Emotet: It is a type of banking malware. It attempts to sneak into computers and steal sensitive and private details. Additionally, it often spreads through spam emails.
  • Denial of Service (DoS): This attack can shut down a machine or network. In effect, the user can no longer access them. Flooding the network is one of the attack types of this malware.
  • Man in the Middle (MITM): It is a kind of eavesdropping attack. Attackers will cut in an existing conversation or transaction. After being in the middle, they can access the sensitive data and start committing criminal acts.
  • Phishing: This threat can disguise as an email. It targets to trick the receiver, making the targets reveal sensitive details. Attackers can even steal login credentials or credit card numbers.
  • Structured Query Language (SQL) Injection: Attackers use this technique by creating or altering an existing SQL command. In effect, it can expose hidden data or override valuable ones.
  • Password Attacks: From the name itself, it is an attack trying to steal your password. Poor design of passwords allows hackers to access a wealth of sensitive data.

The threats above are only a few of the potential attack types. Computer hackers kept increasing their options to reach any network. In effect, they have more chances to steal crucial data from others.

For this reason, firms must secure the business in line with remote working. The wisest thing to do is invest in cybersecurity. As a result, you can reduce your risk of cyberattacks.

Securing Data

The pandemic left a few businesses with no choice but to take advantage of remote work. For this reason, the need to keep the business secure is high. Below are ways on how to achieve that while the bulk of members work from home:

  1. Educate your employees about the basics of cybersecurity. You have to keep them updated with all the threats that your business can encounter. Moreover, you have to train them in identifying cyberattacks and the actions they need to do with them. A cyber attack response plan can help the members know what course of action to take.
  2. Invest in business security. You have to invest in security software that will match the company’s functions. Aside from that, you can also invest in one-day health checkups. It will give you an overview of cyber incident response capabilities.
  3. Encrypt any data that you have on the online space. In effect, the hackers will have a tough time stealing, destroying, or tampering with any of your sensitive details. A proxy is one of the best options to encrypt your data. As a result, hackers can no longer see or track your online activities.
  4. Use a tracker that can watch what your employees do when online. It is best to restrict them from accessing non-essential sites. Furthermore, check if they have proper storage when devices are not in use. Aside from that, instruct them not to use public Wi-Fi. Tell your members to scan hard drives or USB sticks before using them.
  5. You also have to make sure that your business sticks to the requirements. Check if there is a mandatory cybersecurity audit that your business has to undergo. Furthermore, it is best to schedule frequent system audits. Hackers often target systems that contain a lot of data.

Remote working makes a business vulnerable to cyber attacks. But with cybersecurity and cyber resilience, you can reduce the risk of these cyber threats. You have to protect your business at all costs.

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