The Ultimate Guide to Selling Products on TikTok

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If you have some great TikTok videos, you can get thousands of views on them each day. However, if you want to earn money from your TikTok videos, you need to sell products on TikTok and make some real money. To learn how to do this, read this helpful blog post with six tips that will help you succeed at selling products on TikTok.

TikTok, the video app that gives you 15 seconds to create and share an original video with friends, has taken the world by storm since its launch in 2016. TikTok recently opened its platform to the public, allowing brands to create official accounts and sell products through those channels, opening up a world of opportunity for brands who want to reach new audiences in this unique way. With millions of users in your audience, it’s an exciting time to be using TikTok as a platform to reach new audiences and increase your brand awareness.

Use Different Hashtags

TikTok is primarily about content creation, but it’s also a thriving marketplace. It’s easy to sell items through direct messaging, but you can reach a wider audience by using different hashtags in your videos. By tagging your videos with relevant hashtags, you can attract customers who are interested in purchasing your product. If you don’t know what types of hashtags would be appropriate, search Instagram and see which ones people use most frequently.

As an example, if you were selling jewelry, consider using #jewelry as well as other genre-specific tags like #fashionjewelry or #beadednecklace. Incorporating all three of these hashtags into one post will ensure that any potential buyers will be able to find your video and start a conversation with you directly from within TikTok itself.

Ask Other Influencers For Feedback

Not only does asking influencers for feedback helps to validate your idea, but it can also serve as a marketing strategy in and of itself. Once you start asking fellow influencers if they’d like to collaborate or if they have any advice, you may be surprised at how many people are open to helping you out. In addition, if you can get some big names behind your project early on (without even having a product yet), that could give potential investors even more confidence that your idea is worth their money.

Try Promotions with Product Giveaways

Giving away free products is one of our favorite ways to promote a new business. It can be done through social media ads, Google AdWords, and other paid promotions. To get more out of your giveaway, consider running it alongside a special promotion or a discount offer to entice people to buy. In addition, we’ve found that giving away different types of products allows you to test which category works best with your audience.

Do Something Fun And New with Your Products

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People are drawn to new and interesting things. If you can offer something unique, it’s a good way to get their attention. You could repurpose your products in ways that let users have fun with them or use them in unexpected ways. By having your take on what people can do with your products, you can entice customers who might be interested in getting a hold of something cool but not necessarily functional.

Be Creative With Your Videos 

Your best bet is to get creative and make some short videos around a common theme that other people haven’t tried yet. It will set you apart from other sellers while also making sure your content stands out. Also, feel free to use video editors like Final Cut Pro (FCP), which can help give you an edge over others in terms of quality. The possibilities of editing your video on an editor like FCP can do anything ranging from adding music to changing lighting or cutting out unwanted scenes.

Another way of making your videos catchy at the beginning is making your titles intriguing and what Gen Z likes to call them: aesthetic. There are Final Cut Pro titles that you can use, which will make your video look professional or classy depending on how you want to view it in their eyes.

Be Consistent with Posting 

The more you post, in general, the more followers you are likely to gain. As with anything else on social media, people need to be exposed to your content multiple times before they even consider becoming a follower or liking one of your posts. Make sure you stick to a doable posting schedule. And be sure to vary what you share so that your audience doesn’t get bored quickly; now and then, interject videos into your feed or host weekly polls that ask users what they think about something currently going on in pop culture.

Successfully selling on a social media platform like TikTok is all about getting attention. So, before you jump right into your pitch, make sure that you have something to say that’s going to catch people’s eyes and get them to listen. Follow these tips to successfully sell your product on this ever-growing platform!

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