Taking Care of Your Water Storage Tanks: A Few Routines

Industrial liquid storage tanks
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  • Regular maintenance and inspection of water storage tanks are essential to ensure a clean, reliable water supply.
  • During inspections, companies should look for signs of damage or corrosion on tank surfaces and internally, such as filters and baffles.
  • Tanks should be emptied, cleaned, scrubbed with detergent solution, sanitized with disinfectant, and refilled with fresh water tested for purity before use.
  • Businesses should follow EPA regulations for proper storage tank maintenance and regularly check for contaminants in the stored water to ensure its safety.

Water storage tanks are an essential part of business operations for any industry that requires a significant amount of water. This can include industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, and food service, to name just a few. An adequate water tank system ensures that businesses have access to the reliable, clean water they need whenever it is required. A dependable water supply is essential for companies that rely on irrigation, production processes, or other applications involving large amounts of clean water.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), inadequate maintenance and improper storage practices are responsible for millions of gallons of fuel oil being spilled into US waterways yearly, resulting in extensive environmental damage, economic losses, and human health risks. Additionally, failure to properly maintain tanks can significantly increase operational costs due to frequent repairs and replacements and energy consumption due to inefficient performance from inadequately maintained systems. The EPA estimates that using proper maintenance techniques can reduce fuel oil spills by up to 60%.

As a result, taking care of your water storage tanks is essential. Here are a few routine maintenance tasks that you should be performing to keep your water supply secure and efficient.

Tank Inspection

A worker inspecting a storage tank

Regular storage tank inspection is essential for keeping businesses supplied with clean, reliable water. During a tank inspection, companies should look for signs of damage and corrosion on the exterior surfaces of the tanks. Cracks, holes, and areas where the material is thinning can all indicate potential problems that need to be addressed. Any water leaks found during an inspection should also be noted and repaired immediately to prevent further damage.

Inspectors should also check the internal components of the tanks, such as baffles and filters. Baffles minimize turbulence in water flow and help keep sediment from settling in the bottom of the tank. If these baffles become clogged or broken, they will need to be replaced or repaired as soon as possible to maintain a clean supply.

Filters help remove impurities from incoming water sources before entering a storage tank; if these filters become worn out or damaged during an inspection, they will also need to be changed or serviced. Radar level transmitters for liquids will also help to ensure that water levels in a tank remain constant, allowing for the best performance from the system.

In addition to physical inspections of tanks, businesses should also conduct regular tests on their water quality. Water samples should be tested regularly for bacteria and other contaminants that may have entered the tank through various means (leaks, runoff, etc.). These tests can provide valuable information regarding the safety of stored water supplies and help inform decisions about treatment methods if contamination is detected.

Tank Cleaning

A worker preparing tank for cleaning

Tanks can become contaminated with bacteria, dirt, and other impurities over time, decreasing water quality. To prevent this from happening, you should clean tanks regularly. Here are a few steps to perform when cleaning a tank:

Emptying the tank

Empty the tank of all stored water before beginning the cleaning process. This will help ensure that no residual impurities or bacteria remain in the tank when refilling it with clean water.

Cleaning the interior

Carefully scrub the inner surfaces of the tank using a brush and detergent solution to remove any dirt, grime, or buildup.


Once cleaned, you can use a disinfectant to sanitize the inside of the tank. This will reduce the chances of bacteria growing in your stored water supply.


After cleaning and sanitizing, refill your tank with fresh water tested for purity and safety before use.

Tank Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your tank in top condition. Tanks should be inspected, cleaned, and sanitized regularly to ensure that stored water remains safe and clean. Additionally, businesses should pay close attention to any leaks or structural damage that may occur over time and address them promptly to minimize the impacts on their water supply. Finally, companies should stay up-to-date on the latest EPA regulations for storage tanks to ensure compliance with all applicable rules and laws.

Final Thoughts

Water storage tanks are an essential part of many businesses and industries. Taking proper care of your tanks can ensure that you have clean, reliable water when you need it. Regular inspections and maintenance routines will help ensure that the water stored in your tanks is safe. By following our advice on taking care of your water storage tanks, you will be able to keep your operations running smoothly and safely with minimal disruption.

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