What You Need to Keep In Mind When Cleaning Your Yard After Winter

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Winter is one of the most-awaited seasons of the year. It gives you a lot of reasons to stay at home, curl up, and stay comfy. It’s also a season where everyone comes together (Christmas holidays, anyone). However, after all the winter wonderland situation, you may find that your backyard will end up looking like hinterland.

Winter can leave a mess even if you are maintaining a great-looking yard. As the winter draws to a close, you will find the waste and garbage that have been lying underneath the snow. In time for the incoming season, which is spring, you can start cleaning up the yard right after you deal with the furnace. Things will be much easier when you know where to start.

Here are some of the things you may want to keep in mind:

Dispose of the debris

As the last bulk of the snow melts, the amount and extent of the waste will be revealed. You may find that there are food wrappings and garbage, animal feces, fallen branches, and dead leaves. Start the clean-up by collecting and bagging all the visible waste. Doing away with the large debris will make it easier for you to scrape and collect smaller bits and pieces with a few swoops or washes.

Start pruning your shrubs

You will need to make sure that your plants will grow healthily and beautifully. One way of doing so is by trimming and pruning your shrubs, bushes, and trees. While you’re doing it, be careful not to cut the healthy parts and branches of the plants. Otherwise, the plants’ growth may be adversely affected. Doing it the wrong way will also affect the plant’s natural shape. It would be also wise to work with plant specialists and landscaping to lighten your load and minimize your chances of committing blunders.

Refresh your lawn

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You will want your lawn to be healthy, lush, and green for the coming spring. You might have overseeded the lawn a few weeks ahead of time, so wait for the grass to grow. When the grass is tall enough for trimming, that’s when you will start mowing it. But don’t cut the grass deep enough. Overcutting the grass may affect its growth, thus affecting its health, especially in the coming warm and dry months.

Clean up your patio

Your patio is greatly exposed to the effects of the icy drought. So, you should not forget about it. Among the first things you need to deal with are the molds and mildews caused by the snow. Check the wooden components of your patio to see if they have sustained damage due to water and moisture. Do the same to your furniture pieces even if they’re kept at the shed.

Do things one step at a time

Dealing with your yard after the winter can be quite overwhelming. But there’s one thing that you need to realize: you’re not supposed to do everything all at once. You can pick your priorities and do what your schedule permits. Take one step at a time.

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