Sustainable Offices: Increasing Energy Efficiency in the Workplace

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Technology is constantly evolving, making our lives and work easier. As a business owner, having certain kinds of technology and equipment can make your business more efficient. However, all this equipment — from computers to printers to chargers — play a significant role in increasing your energy bills. If you’re a small business owner and have an office, it’s important to keep your energy costs down by shifting to more energy-efficient solutions.

When you’re juggling different responsibilities daily, it can be difficult to keep track of everything, including your energy consumption. This aspect of running a business is often on the back burner of many business owners’ priorities. Fortunately, energy efficiency is not as hard as it seems, and it’s never too late to start thinking about energy efficiency and creating a more sustainable workplace.

The Benefits of a Sustainable Workplace

Business owners often want to lower the cost of running their business to turn a higher profit. Energy efficiency plays a significant role in reducing running costs. It also helps show clients or customers that your business is environmentally conscious and taking the necessary steps to help the cause.

Whether you’re a startup business owner who’s looking to keep expenses at a minimum or a long-time business owner who wants a more cost-efficient workplace, here’s what you can do.

How to Increase Energy Efficiency in the Office

Replace Desktops with Laptops

It’s been proven that laptops consume significantly less energy compared with desktops, using up to 60 watts at most, whereas regular desktops use up to 175 watts. In addition, laptops have the benefit of using battery power, which allows you to consume less energy while the laptop runs on its battery. Desktops, on the other hand, need to be plugged while in use.

Let Natural Light In

Light has always been known to have a significant effect on productivity and one’s overall health. Go too bright or too dim and you’ll be causing unnecessary strain to both your and your employees’ eyes. Depending on which one you have in your office, it could even cause drowsiness or migraines.

The best middle ground to induce productivity in the office is through natural light. Not only does it make you more productive and help you sleep better, but it also reduces eye strain and even improves one’s mood. In addition, natural light minimizes the need to use any type of artificial lighting, thereby reducing your energy costs.

If you feel like there isn’t enough natural light in your office, you can consider adding a skylight to allow more natural light inside. For the hours when you can’t use natural light, consider using LED light bulbs instead of fluorescent ones.


Upgrade Your Equipment

While you might think that keeping any old equipment may be saving you money, this isn’t necessarily true. Likely, your old equipment is just drawing out more power than it originally did. This is because they are no longer working at maximum efficiency, thus costing you more money in the long run.

Instead of keeping your old office equipment, consider replacing them with energy-efficient ones.

Install a Smart Thermostat

Having to go to the thermostat and turn the temperature up and down in the office is not only an inefficient use of time, but it can also end up increasing your energy usage when you forget to change it back. Consider cutting down on the office’s air conditioning or heater by installing a smart thermostat. Having one in your office allows you to adjust the temperature at certain times, even when no one is around.

It also helps to keep an eye on any open doors and windows that can allow cold air to come in and hot air to leave the room in the winter and vice versa in the summer.

Use Energy Efficient Appliances

Before you buy or lease any office appliances, you want to make sure that they’re energy efficient. While they can be more expensive than regular appliances, you’ll find that you’re saving more money in the long run as a result of reduced energy usage.

If you aren’t sure about whether an appliance is energy efficient, check for an Energy Star certification, as these types of appliances use 10% to 20% less energy.

While it may not initially be a part of your priority as a business owner, it’s important to consider how reducing your energy usage affects your business, employees, and yourself. Not only does energy efficiency allow you to save energy and costs in the long run, but it can also help benefit the planet. Use these tips to get started on your journey to energy efficiency.

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