Never Ruin Your Own Reputation: How to Avoid Common Marketing Mistakes

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Many brands have released ads and marketing strategies that received backlash from internet users. It could be due to offensive language, unrealistic portrayal of real-life events, or toxic stereotypes. These kinds of mistakes hurt a brand’s reputation seriously, and the damage could be permanent.

Nowadays, internet users are not just eagle-eyed but much more aware of social issues. As such, brands should be careful with the message they send. One misstep could lead to their ruin.

Thankfully, avoiding marketing mistakes isn’t rocket science. Below are the ways to do so and protect your reputation:

1. Do Your Own Research

Nothing can go wrong if you research hard enough. Unfortunately, a lot of brands skip this step. They probably settle for quick research and forego data analysis and further studies. This results in wasted money, targeting the wrong audience, and failed plans.

Market research saves time and money by predicting how well your products and promotions will perform before they’re launched. It gives you a glimpse of how consumers will respond to your new releases. In turn, you can identify ineffective strategies and unpopular ideas and weed them out before your official product or promotion launch.

2. Beta-test Your Ads

If you beta-test a product before selling it, you should do the same for your ads. An ad beta-test is a short-duration release of an advertisement on a video platform, like YouTube. Its purpose is to gauge the public’s response to the material. If the ad receives negative reviews, you can revoke it, make the necessary changes, and beta test it again before releasing it.

Reputable advertising agencies can handle your ad beta tests. They’ll also produce high-quality and unforgettable ads for you. Don’t forego their services if you want to release compelling, effective, and unproblematic ads.

3. Be Consistent

Some brands, especially new ones, release product after product without exhibiting consistency. They fail to consider continuity of perception goals every time they make a new release. As a result, they’re forced to spend on a new marketing strategy that isn’t consistent with its predecessor.

Branding is key to avoiding consistency issues. Unlike marketing, branding defines what your company believes in, its purpose, and how you want consumers to perceive your business. It promotes loyalty and long-term commitment. Marketing, on the other hand, builds awareness of your products or services.

With that in mind, consider branding before releasing a new product. Ask yourself, “Is this product aligned with my business’s purpose, beliefs, and perception goals?” If the product seems to contradict your branding, then it’s not the right product to sell.

For instance, if you’re a makeup brand that targets lower-middle-class consumers, don’t release a product that costs more than those consumers are willing to pay. Alternatively, if you’re a high-end makeup brand, avoid releasing products that will reduce your consumer’s luxurious perception of your brand.

4. Don’t Pass on Email and SMS Marketing Opportunities

We don’t usually open texts and emails from brands, but that doesn’t mean email and SMS marketing is useless. Believe it or not, many people become loyal customers of a brand because of this strategy.

A successful email marketing campaign can help you build a solid subscriber base. Newsletter pop-ups might be annoying, but there will always be a customer who will sign up and happily receive updates from you. Sending them emails and text messages regularly keeps you fresh in their minds. In turn, every time they want to buy something you offer, your brand is the first thing they’ll check out.

5. Know Your Target Audience

target market

When starting a brand or a marketing campaign, targeting “everyone” isn’t an option. In fact, it doesn’t make sense. A product that’ll benefit everyone equally doesn’t exist. Even bottled water has a target market.

Defining your target audience allows you to reach out to the right group. As a result, you’re more likely to drive sales. This process is part of market research. It includes a profile of your target audience, showing their age, sex, income bracket, job, educational background, behaviors, etc. Be as specific as you can when defining your target audience. Their niche may be small, but at least, they’re more likely to buy than “everyone.”

6. Outline Your Goals

Lastly, don’t forget to outline your goals when creating a marketing plan. Your goals will direct you on your path and help you figure out the right promotional tools and methods to use. And as with defining a target audience, be highly specific with your goals. For instance, if you want to make $500,000 in sales, include a date, like December 31, 2021.

Taking these steps will reduce the odds of mistakes occurring in your marketing campaign. Though you can redeem yourself after the blunder, you only have one chance to impress the market most of the time. So nail it from the get-go.

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