A Closer Look at How We Do Business in the New Normal

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It’s no surprise how the pandemic has permeated the very core of our daily lives. The effects of lockdown orders and new health and safety protocols have translated into changes in our personal and professional lives. Multiple industries were affected. As cities went into lockdown and citizens were forced to shelter in place, businesses also had to shut down.

The road to recovery in the new normal varies from industry to industry, but it’s clear that companies who’ve established flexible business practices have been faring better than others. Adapting to changes in the industry landscape, big and small, was a crucial part of any business strategy even before the pandemic. Adaptability plays an even bigger role as the new normal trends require smart working and quick thinking. While every business will adapt in its own ways, some clear trends have helped no matter the industry.

Going digital and further technological integration are just some of the most prominent amongst new trends in the world post-pandemic. The level of change almost wholly depends on the company structure and its capability for change. A modern business with more malleable systems and practices has been able to adapt more quickly when compared to more traditional companies.

The fast-moving consumer goods market and the restaurant industry have seen some of the most promising results associated with new practices, from establishing e-commerce platforms and going mobile with food trucks. The businesses which became essential during the pandemic have embraced the new normal’s landscape. Other industries have also been taking steps to adapt.

Investments in Tech

The pandemic produced a wide array of unique financial situations that are closely tied to individual socioeconomic factors. Many people experience extremely difficult financial troubles due to loss of jobs, increased expenses, and even increased child care needs. What initially seemed to be the global equalizer actually highlighted systemic inequalities further because individuals came out of the pandemic with a surplus.

Reduced spending opportunities led a good chunk of the population to sit on their income and save. These savings are why increased consumer spending is one of the top trends for financial markets globally. As people venture out of their minds, they’re looking to spend the money they’ve accumulated.

The development of a robust digital economy due to the popularity of eCommerce and working from home is another trend to watch out for. Corporations have been spending on website and app development to continue serving consumers and retaining their market share. The transition to working from home has also resulted in a jump in tech hardware and software-related spending. Moving a business to an entirely new business model doesn’t come easy, and companies are willing to spend to obtain the tools to smoothen the journey.

Real estate

real estate

There have also been significant changes to the housing market because of the pandemic. More and more people are now moving to lesser populated suburban areas which offer you bigger homes for a fraction of the prices compared to city living. Employees who stayed in cities with higher rental rates and cost of living, in an effort to be closer to their offices, have now started moving to the surrounding suburbs.

Due to this market behavior, the real estate industry has had to adapt in order to better cater to buyers during the new normal. VR and AR, virtual reality, and augmented reality have been some of the ways companies have adapted tech in order to have virtual property walkthroughs. Space, security, and convenience are also playing bigger roles for customers. Home automation systems and technologies that integrate security systems and help monitor bigger spaces have come in clutch for homeowners.


Due to the change in spending and varied financial situations of the market, banking has also taken considerable steps towards change. During the pandemic, most consumers were forced to participate in online banking. Even those who preferred traditional in-person transactions had to adjust. While online baking is no new trend, the influx of users has increased the need for clean user interfaces, excellent website and app development, and a better understanding of online banking by consumers.

Another consideration has been increased cyber security for these systems as more transactions are done online. Megabanks to smaller banks have been pushing for better cybersecurity to avoid system issues and hacking instances because it could trigger immense consequences in the current market.

Though less drastic than in the tourism, consumer goods, restaurant, and medical industry, the changes made in these industries are also worth noting. Innovative steps taken towards better business processes and practices will help keep them in tip-top shape for the continued developments during the new normal.

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