Curb Appeal: It Matters for Businesses, Too.

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Curb appeal is not just for homes; it is also for businesses. The first impression is critical; just like a home, the exterior needs to be pleasing to the eye. Potential customers need to feel welcomed and want to come in and take a look around.

A few different statistics show how important curb appeal is for businesses. One study found that companies with a well-maintained exterior were more than twice as likely to be recommended by customers. Another study found that nearly 90% of customers say the appearance of a business’ outdoor area is essential when deciding whether or not to do business with them.

These statistics show that if you want your business to succeed, you must ensure your exterior is appealing to potential customers. It means keeping it clean and well-maintained and paying attention to details. However, there is plenty more you can do to make your business exterior more appealing.

Siding Repaint

One of the most important things you can do to improve the curb appeal of your business is repainting the exterior side of your commercial establishment. A fresh coat of paint can make a big difference, and it’s a relatively easy and affordable project.

There are many colors and finishes to choose from, so you can find one that will complement your business’ architecture and branding. And, if you choose high-quality paint, it will be long-lasting and weather-resistant.

Unfortunately, it can be challenging to do it all on your own. A siding might be difficult to reach, and you’ll want to avoid paint drips. That’s why it’s best to hire professional siding contractors with the experience and equipment to do the job correctly. They can perform siding repaint, along with renovations that it might need.


Another way to improve the curb appeal of your business is by landscaping the area around it. This can include planting trees, shrubs, and flowers; laying down mulch or stone; and putting up a fence or garden bed.

Choosing hardy and low-maintenance plants is essential, so you don’t have to spend much time caring for them. It would help if you also considered the climate in your area when selecting plants. If you live in a site with harsh weather conditions, you’ll want plants that can withstand them.

Hiring a professional landscaping company is the best way to get the job done quickly and correctly. They will have the experience, knowledge, and equipment to transform your business’s outdoor space.


Installing outdoor lighting is another excellent way to improve the curb appeal of your business. It will make it more visible at night and feel safer and more inviting. There are many different lighting types, including solar, LED, and traditional light bulbs.

You’ll want to choose a style that complements your business’ architecture and branding. For example, if you have a modern building, you might want to install LED lights. Most customers arrive after work shifts, so you should consider installing lights that turn on automatically.

It would help if you also considered the placement of your lights. You’ll want to highlight the entrance to your business and any walkways leading to it.


A well-known business signage

Your business signage is one of the first things potential customers will see, so choosing a sign that makes a good impression is essential. It should be visible, well-lit, and easy to read. The font size, style, and color should be legible from a distance and contrast well with the background.

Your sign should also reflect your business’ branding. For example, if you have a rustic logo, you might want a wooden sign. You could opt for an acrylic or aluminum sign if you want something more modern.

Installing a new sign is an excellent way to improve the curb appeal of your business. But, if you’re on a tight budget, you can also repaint or refurbish your existing sign.


Cleaning is one of curb appeal’s most critical but often overlooked aspects. All businesses must keep their exterior clean, no matter how big or small. This includes sweeping the sidewalks and parking lot, power washing the siding and windows, and removing any trash or debris.

You should also regularly inspect your business for any damage that needs to be repaired, such as a cracked sidewalk or loose shingles. You’ll make a positive impression on potential customers by keeping your business clean and in good condition.

Final Thoughts

Improving the curb appeal of your business is essential for attracting new customers. There are many ways to do it, including painting the siding, landscaping, installing outdoor lighting, and cleaning regularly.

You’ll want to choose a style that reflects your business’ branding and complements its architecture. And most importantly, you should hire professional contractors to do the job correctly. With their experience and knowledge, they’ll be able to transform your business’s outdoor space quickly and efficiently.

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