What to do When Foreign Employee Faces Deportation

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A diverse workplace is essential for several reasons. First, it can lead to more creativity and innovation. According to a study by the University of Michigan, “diverse teams are more innovative than homogeneous ones” (Lee, 2016). This is likely because different people see things differently and can come up with new ideas.

Second, a diverse workplace is good for business. A study by McKinsey & Company found that “companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35 percent more likely to have financial returns above their industry medians” (DiversityInc, 2016). This is likely because a diverse workplace provides a more excellent range of perspectives and experiences, which can lead to better decision-making.

Finally, a diverse workplace is good for society as a whole. By promoting diversity, companies can help break down barriers and make the world more inclusive.

However, it does not mean it is free from disadvantages. There might be a cultural clash and misunderstanding, which can lead to conflicts. Also, the workplace might become less productive if people are too focused on celebrating their differences instead of working. Still, those cons cannot compare when an employee faces deportation. If that is the case, here are the steps you need to take.

Gather Information

Deportation does not happen randomly or suddenly. There will be a process leading up to it, and several steps are usually involved. Immigrants need to be familiar with this process to know their rights and what to expect.

The first step is usually an arrest by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This can happen at work, at home, or in public. After the arrest, ICE will take the person into custody and bring them to an immigration detention center.

The next step is a “master calendar” hearing, held in front of an immigration judge. This is when the government will present its case against the immigrant, and the immigrant will have a chance to respond. The judge will then decide whether or not to order deportation.

If the judge orders deportation, the immigrant can appeal the decision. However, they must do this quickly – they only have 30 days to file an appeal.

After the appeal gets filed, there will be another hearing. If the appeals court agrees with the original decision, the person will get deported.

Employers must know the details of this process to stay prepared if one of their employees is facing deportation.

Provide Assistance

If an employee faces deportation, the best thing an employer can do is assist. This might include financial help, legal aid, or simply emotional support.

Many employers are reluctant to get involved in their employees’ personal lives. However, it’s essential to be supportive regarding something as serious as deportation. Employees who feel supported by their employers are likelier to be loyal and productive.

In some cases, employers might be able to help their employees avoid deportation altogether. For example, suppose an employee faces deportation because of a workplace injury. In that case, the employer could work with workers’ compensation insurance to ensure the employee gets the necessary benefits. This would allow the employee to stay in the country and continue working.

Communicate With Other Employees

Discussing deportation issues of another coworker

If an employee faces deportation, it’s essential to communicate with other employees. This will help everyone understand the situation and know how to best support the affected employee.

It’s also essential to ensure everyone understands the company’s policy on immigration. This will help prevent any rumors or speculation from spreading.

Deportation can be a difficult and stressful time for all involved. However, by taking the proper steps, employers can help their employees through it.

Understand the Situation

If employees face deportation, they will already receive disruptions in their lives. Some might even have to spend the night in jail, even if they are innocent. As an employer, it’s essential to understand the situation they are in so you can show empathy and support.

Being in jail can be an unpleasant situation for anyone. But for immigrants, it can be challenging. They might not have family or friends in the country to help them. They also might not speak English well, making it hard to communicate with others.

As an employer, you can try to help your employees by getting immigration bail bond services. The company can help you get your employees out of jail and back to their families as soon as possible.

You can also try to help your employees by getting them a lawyer. Many immigrants cannot afford legal representation. You can offer to pay for a lawyer to help your employees with their cases as an employer.

Lastly, you can help your employees by providing emotional support. Deportation is a stressful experience. Your employees might be worried about their future or their family’s safety. Being there for them and listening to their concerns can significantly help.

Final Thoughts

Deportation is a complicated and stressful process. However, as an employer, you can help your employees through it. Providing financial, emotional, and legal support can make a difficult time easier.

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