How to Tell If Your Plumbing System Works Optimally

plumbing system of a home
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In our daily lives, we are constantly reminded to pay attention to what is outside: the physical appearance of ourselves, our homes, our cars, etc. Because it’s in our nature to please, we tend to focus on these and neglect what is inside. In our homes, for instance, it’s easy to forget about the whole water network system. We may not notice it, but the liquids we drain on a daily basis could be causing harm to our pipes.

To understand the whole plumbing system in your home or commercial property sounds like a whole lot to take it, but basically, it follows the laws of gravity. It gives water direction to flow until it reaches our faucets and sewage systems. If you find that you’re facing problems in your plumbing system and you cannot solve them by yourself, professional drain cleaning services are always available. It’s best to consult the experts.

Here are the qualities that make your plumbing system an optimal one:

Freshwater In, Wastewater Out

Home supply and drainage system are two things. Clean water is acquired because of the pressure it undergoes before coming out of faucets and showers. Meanwhile, the drainage system channels waste out to the sewer line.

Water pressure may increase if your drains are clogged with objects like food waste, plastic, or hair. Excessive clogging may cause enough damage to make the pipes burst, flooding certain areas in your home. It is important to know where the main valve of your plumbing system is in case of this emergency. The main valve turns off the whole water supply, so if you would like to keep some of the supply working, such as in other bathrooms or in your kitchen, it is best to have individual stop valves for each of your fixtures.

The drainage system, on the other hand, does not rely on water pressure. The water goes down straight to the sewer because the pipes are angled downward. However, it takes more than water pipes angled properly to make the drainage system effective. Your home or building must have vents on the roof to make way for air into the drainpipes. The wastewater requires an air supply to flow out properly.

Additionally, traps are essential in every fixture to filter out clog culprits such as hair and grease. Traps usually include clean-out plugs for you to be able to clear out these blockages.

The Right Piping Type

Like freshwater and wastewater, cold and hot water supplies are different. Before water reaches into the water heater, it goes through the cold water pipes initially. That said, it is important to know which type of pipe works best for hot water distribution.


Plastic pipes include CPVC and PEX. CPVC (Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride pipes) handles hot water without the risk of corroding. It is also safe for drinking water. It provides less noise than metal pipes and is more versatile and flexible. It may be more expensive than PVC and metal tubing, but with those great qualities mentioned, plus being fire-resistant, it is best to invest in this material.

PEX is another option for plastic tubing. It is more flexible than CPVC, capable of bending by hand alone. It can be connected to an existing pipe, making it ideal for additions and retrofits. It endures hot water excellently. PEX pipes are the best option for old home remodels if you don’t want to replace your entire water pipes. Glue is not even a requirement to attach these pipes, saving you or your plumber time and effort.


Workers connecting pipes with a tap in the apartment

Brass pipes used to contain lead, but thankfully, lead-free brass pipes are available. This material is highly resistant to corrosion and is safe for hot water and drinking water. The walls of brass are heavier despite being a softer metal. The soft metal material makes it easier to create a tight seal.

Maintaining an optimal water system is not as complicated as it sounds. Being aware of what we put into our drains is a small step that brings huge effects to our pipes. Make sure you treat your fixtures with care. Put waste where it belongs. If you find yourself facing a drainage problem, research for the effective way to solve it and contact your local plumber should the problem persists.

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