Four Things You Need to Know When Marketing in India

great content word cloud on a digital tablet with a cup of coffee - bloging and content marketing concept
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India has been experiencing rapid economic growth in recent years. In 2000, the country’s GDP was only $590 billion. But by 2016, it had grown to a whopping $2.2 trillion. It received a massive boost in GDP during 2019 of about 12%. But the economy eventually shrank by 7% during the pandemic. Now it’s recovering faster than ever.

This growth is driven by several factors, including a growing population, reaching over 1.4 billion people. It’s also led by an increasing middle class and rising levels of education and entrepreneurship. India also has a young population, over half of the population aged below 25.

This presents a lucrative opportunity for businesses that can tap into this growing market. You can tap into the Indian population by marketing to them. Here are some tips that’ll help you to get started.

Blogging is King

India might be considered a third-world country, but it has some of the highest internet penetration rates, with over 800 million Indians accessing the internet. This number is expected to skyrocket to a billion by 2030.

Many of these internet users are looking for information and content. And this is where blogging comes in. By starting a blog, you can reach out to this large population and provide them with the information they’re looking for.

But it’s not enough to start a blog. You need to make sure that your content is high quality and informative. It should also be culturally relevant. This means understanding the needs and wants of the Indian people and providing content that resonates with them.

You can also use your blog to drive traffic to your website or online store. Including links to your products or services can increase the chances of making a sale.

If you don’t want to do all these things, it’s good to outsource this marketing project. Many expert Indian bloggers know the demographic more than anyone else. These experts can create quality blogs that’ll engage the population while directing traffic to your website.

Social Media button on a keyboard with speech bubbles.

Utilize Social Media

Social media is a powerful marketing tool, and it’s only getting more popular in India. In 2019, there were over 310 million social media users. This number is expected to increase to 480 million by 2025. Many big companies such as Coca-Cola, Nike, and Samsung have already increased their social media presence in India.

As a business, you need to have a social media presence. This is one of the most effective ways to reach the Indian population. You can use social media to promote your products or services, engage with customers, and build brand awareness.

Using social media to drive traffic to your website or blog is also a good idea. You can increase the chances of getting clicks and conversions by including links in your posts.

You should also consider using social media advertising. This is an effective way to reach out to potential customers who might be interested in what you have to offer.

Facebook and Instagram are two of India’s most popular social media platforms. They have the most significant number of users, so it’s a good idea to focus your efforts on these two platforms.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is another effective way to reach out to the Indian population. By creating informative and exciting content, you can attract attention and build a following. This is how you can establish yourself as an expert in your field and increase brand awareness.

When it comes to content, music, and videos is king in India. One of the biggest YouTube channels in the world is T-series. It’s a music channel that has over 100 million subscribers. And it’s based in India.

It goes to show the popularity of music and videos in the country. As a business, you can use this to your advantage by creating content with these criteria.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is another effective way to reach out to potential customers in India. By collecting email addresses, you can build a database of leads that you can market to regularly.

It’s vital to ensure that your emails are high quality and informative. They should also be relevant to the interests of the people you’re sending them. Otherwise, your emails will be ignored and deleted.

You can also use email marketing to drive traffic to your website or blog. For example, you can increase the chances of getting clicks and conversions by including links in your emails.

Final Thoughts

Marketing in India can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. With the right strategies, you can reach out to a large population and promote your products or services. Make sure to approach this specific population with modernization in mind. Most Indians have been exposed to the modern world, so they use current marketing strategies.

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