Considering an Open Office Space for Your Business

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Many businesses are considering open office space. It’s not for everyone, but if you’re thinking of switching to one, there are a few things you should know before making the decision. The article will discuss the pros and cons of an open office space as well as basic steps for planning the construction.

The pros of an open office space

1.  Collaboration

Open office plans allow for a great collaborative atmosphere. With the availability of conference rooms and centrally located hubs to eat, socialize, or collaborate around, employees are provided with opportunities to interact every day. This provides the opportunity for idea sharing and creativity which is often lost in traditional cubicles.

2. Flexibility

With an open office plan, floor plans are easily changed. This allows your business to quickly adjust to growth or modification of the company’s needs.

3. Cost-effective

If you’re looking for a cost-effective type of design for your business, an open office space most certainly won’t break the bank! A single common area such as a lounge, cafeteria, break room, or seating area will be cheaper than a series of rooms or individual offices.


The cons of an open office plan

1. Noise pollution

An open office space essentially creates a constant noise which can often become distracting and annoying to fellow employees. With this, it’s important to consider placing your call center in an environment that doesn’t have this distraction.

2. Lack of privacy

An open office plan eliminates all concept of privacy which can be highly disruptive to employees performing tasks that require confidentiality or concentration such as phone calls, idea generation, and research. These individuals may feel more comfortable working from a separate space.

3. Distractions

With an open office style, distractions are highly prevalent. Employees are more susceptible to distractions which can range from noise pollution to frequent conversations with coworkers.

Planning the construction of your open office space

1. List your needs

First thing’s first, you must list out your needs and requirements for an open office space. This will allow you to create a plan that will best fit your needs. Take into account the following:

  • Type of business performed within the open office space
  • The size of the open office space required
  • Employees’ needs for privacy, noise reduction, or concentration
  • Presence of conference rooms or small meeting areas
  • Number of employees needing to have access

2. List the activities taking place in your office

Are you planning to have meetings in common areas? Will clients be visiting your office frequently? Are employees allowed to eat lunch in the same area as another employee’s cubicle? All of these are considerations that must be addressed to create an open office plan that is functional and engaging.

3. Create a draft floor plan

After you’ve considered your needs, it’s important to come up with a proposed layout for your open office space. Keep in mind that an open floor plan doesn’t necessarily mean that the entire office must be wide open. You can split the space into smaller sections or rooms that can serve different purposes such as a lounge, break room, or brainstorming area.

4. Suppliers and workers

Before you begin building your space, start finding suppliers and workers to help construct the area. This will ensure your productivity isn’t disrupted as well as assist in saving time and money for modifications. You can contact reclaimed barn wood suppliers and other building materials suppliers in your area. You can also check with local workers to see if they’re available for hire and how much it will cost you.

5. Permits and regulations

Before you begin construction of your open office space, it’s important to ensure that your business follows all permitting and regulations within your local community. These may include anything from the physical building layout to specific noise level restrictions. If you fail to adhere to these, you run the risk of being shut down by the city which is the last thing your business needs!

6. Building and revamping the space

After finalizing the design, test it out to see how it works before committing to the idea. You’ll need to implement it into the area by either tearing down walls or completely rearranging furniture! Then make changes in the plan as needed to make it functional and beneficial for your employees.

If you’re considering an open office space for your business, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. An open office plan can have many benefits such as increased communication and collaboration among employees. However, there are also some drawbacks to consider such as lack of privacy and distractions. By taking into account your needs and activities that will take place in the open office space, you can create a plan that is functional and engaging for your employees!

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