Preventive Dental Care: A Way to Keep Employees Healthy and Employers Happy

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A healthy and happy employee is a productive employee.

A lot of employers begrudgingly offer benefits, such as medical and dental, to employees because they expect that the pay should be enough for people to do their work and be productive. However, there are other factors that affect productivity at the office.

If the employee gets sick, for example, they wouldn’t have the energy nor the acumen to do their job well. Often, even if they do get better, the lingering effects of being sick are noticeable in the work output.

Preventive dental care is one way for employers to help keep their employees healthy and productive while reducing those costs. This article will explore the benefits of preventive dental care and how it can benefit both employers and employees.

Reduced Spending

It’s advised that people should go to their dentist at least twice a year, even if they don’t experience any pain or discomfort in their mouth. These visits are meant to maintain a person’s oral health. This way, the dentist can catch small problems and provide treatment before they become large ones.

It’s much better to treat a small cavity than have the dentist remove it later. Not only is this process more expensive, but it takes longer for that tooth to heal. This means that the employee will be unable to perform their work while at home recuperating. Also, repeated dental surgeries can cause other problems such as increased risk of infection and scar tissue formation.

By having employees go to the dentist twice a year, employers can save money by not letting these small problems escalate into something bigger and more costly.

Increased Productivity at Work

Employers who allow their employees to take time off for preventive dental care could notice an immediate increase in productivity. How?

It’s a well-known fact that dental problems can be a major distraction at work. Employees who have tooth pain are distracted by the discomfort they’re feeling. This means employees aren’t able to focus on their work and instead thinking about their next trip to the dentist’s office.

By providing employees the time and resources to take care of their mouths, they can be more productive at work.

woman with a toothache

Decreased Absences Due to Illness

Absences due to illness can cost the company. It’s not only the employee who has to stay home and recuperate, but it also means that there will be fewer employees in the office. This can affect productivity and increase costs for the company.

An efficient way to reduce these absences is by having a proactive dental care plan. If employers can get their employees to regularly go to their dentist twice a year, then they’re more likely to catch any problems early on before they become serious enough for an illness or injury that would require days off from work.

Employees Look Professional

Also, preventive dental care can include teeth whitening or even looking into getting veneers for teeth that are severely damaged. These procedures offer visual improvement as well as increased confidence in appearance.

With improved appearance comes an increase in productivity at work because employees will feel better about themselves and how they present themselves to others at work. They become more willing to take on leadership tasks, meet with potential clients, and network with others in the company.

Employees Feel Valued

Lastly, when employers provide dental benefits, it means a lot to them. It makes them feel valued and taken care of by their company which further boosts their morale and productivity.

It makes them feel like part of a team who helps one another. In turn, employees will be happier working for that particular employer if they feel supported in every aspect of life, not just work-related issues. There will be a lower turnover rate, and the company will gain a positive reputation which will attract the best talents within the industry. Overall, providing not just medical benefits but dental as well will benefit the company greatly.

Preventive dental care can benefit both employers and employees. It’s an added expenditure for the company, but it will become an advantage in the long run. The staff will give back to their employers by producing more work in better quality.

When employees are healthy and happy, their make more valuable contributions to the company. Because they feel good, they have fewer stressors in life, and they focus on their work better. It also leads to lower number of absences and a reduction of employee turn over — both of which benefits the company.

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