Prioritizing Inclusivity: What Areas to Consider

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When it comes to employee retention, inclusivity is vital. A recent study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that diversity and inclusion are increasingly important regarding employee attraction and retention. The study also found that nearly nine in 10 (87%) HR professionals say their organization has a diversity and inclusion strategy.

There are several reasons why inclusivity is so important regarding employee retention. First, employees want to feel like they belong somewhere. When an organization embraces diversity and inclusivity, it sends the message that everyone is welcome and their contributions are valued. This can be important for employees who may feel like they don’t fit in at their current job.

Second, employees want to know that they are valued. When an organization embraces diversity and inclusivity, it sends the message that everyone’s contributions are essential and that the organization values different perspectives.

Finally, embracing diversity and inclusivity can lead to a more productive workforce. A study by the University of Michigan found that diverse teams are faster at reaching consensus, have better ideas, make fewer mistakes, and are more creative.

Still, it can be challenging to know where to start when it comes to prioritizing inclusivity. Here are a few areas where you can focus your efforts.

LGBTQ Equality

The workplace has become increasingly LGBTQ-friendly in recent years, and for a good reason. Studies have shown that when an organization is LGBTQ-friendly, it is more productive and profitable.

One reason for this is that employees feel more comfortable and can be their authentic selves in an LGBTQ-friendly workplace. This can lead to a more positive work environment and increased creativity and productivity.

Another reason is that there are a lot of talented LGBTQ individuals who are looking for a workplace that is supportive of them. When companies showcase their LGBTQ-friendliness, they are more likely to attract these talented individuals.

There are several ways companies can become more LGBTQ-friendly. Here are a few examples:

  • Train employees on how to be allies to the LGBTQ community.
  • Adopt policies that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • Promote diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the company, from the boardroom to the breakroom.
  • Celebrate Pride Month and other LGBTQ events throughout the year.
  • Support local LGBTQ charities and organizations.

Being an LGBTQ-inclusive workplace can significantly impact employee morale, motivation, and productivity, making it a top priority for businesses looking to prioritize inclusivity.


Employees getting vegetarian options

Providing free food and snacks is a fantastic company perk to give employees, and it can also be an opportunity to make a statement about inclusivity. Many employees today are vegetarian or vegan, so having meat-free snacks available is essential for creating an inclusive workplace.

It’s important to note that providing vegetarian options doesn’t mean eliminating meat. It simply means having both options available for everyone to enjoy.

Including vegetarian options in employee events, meetings, and lunches send a strong message of inclusivity and diversity within the company. It also shows employees that their dietary choices are respected and accommodated.

Ensuring vegetarian options are always available at company events is an easy way to show employees that they matter and that their opinions are heard. You can partner with a nearby vegetarian restaurant to cater events or include vegetarian options in the company cafeteria.

Inclusivity and Diversity Training

One of the best ways to create an inclusive workplace is to invest in employee training. Investing in diversity and inclusion training helps ensure that all employees are on the same page regarding understanding how to create a safe and respectful work environment.

Diversity and inclusion training should focus on educating employees about unconscious bias, cultural humility, communication styles, microaggressions, privilege awareness, and other essential topics related to creating an inclusive space.

The key is making sure that everyone participates in the training session. If any one group feels excluded from the conversation (for example, if only women get invited), it sends a message that the company isn’t taking inclusivity seriously.

By prioritizing diversity and inclusion training, companies can create an environment where everyone feels safe, respected, and valued. This will lead to higher morale, better ideas, fewer mistakes, and more creativity, which will benefit the company.

Disabled-Friendly Workplace

Creating a friendly workplace for individuals with disabilities is essential for inclusivity. There are several ways companies can make their workplaces more accessible, such as providing ramps or elevators, offering assistive technology and accommodations, and making sure all written materials are available in multiple languages and formats.

Accommodations don’t need to be costly – they can be as simple as providing ergonomic furniture or adjustable desks to make the workplace more comfortable for employees with physical disabilities.

Final Thoughts

Small changes like these can go a long way toward creating an inclusive work environment where everyone feels respected and valued. It also sends a strong message that the company values diversity and acknowledges the contributions of disabled individuals.

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