Real Estate Selling: Tips You Can Give to Your Client Before They Sell Their Home

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Before your client puts their home on the market, they will want to consult with you to learn about the process and what they should do to prepare. And as a real estate agent, you should be prepared to give your clients tips on what they need to do before they sell their homes. Here are five tips you can give them to help them get started.

De-personalize their home

This may seem like an obvious one, but your clients need to de-personalize- their homes before potential buyers start coming in for tours. They should remove personal photographs, artwork, and other items that make the house feel “theirs.” Buyers want to be able to envision themselves living in the home, and it can be challenging to do that when the space is full of someone else’s belongings. That means taking down family photos, packing up personal collections, and putting away any items with sentimental value. It may seem like a lot of work, but it’s always worth taking the extra time to ensure your home is ready to show its best.

Do some decluttering

Before putting their home on the market, your clients should declutter. This will make their home more appealing to potential buyers and help it sell quickly. Here are some tips for decluttering:

  • Encourage your clients to get rid of any items they no longer need or use. This includes clothes, books, furniture, décor, and more.
  • Help them to decide what to keep and what to donate or sell. They should be honest about which items they will use in the future.
  • Advise them to be ruthless in their decluttering. It is better to get rid of too much than too little.
  • Encourage them to declutter one room at a time. This will make the process less overwhelming and more manageable.

Enhance the landscape

Before selling their home, many homeowners choose to invest in residential landscaping services to enhance the curb appeal of their property. This can be a wise investment, as potential buyers are often attracted to well-landscaped homes. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a landscaper. First, be sure to select a reputable and experienced company. Second, make sure to communicate your vision for the project clearly. And third, get an estimate in writing before starting work. Following these simple tips ensures that your landscape enhancement project goes smoothly and helps your home sell quickly.

Make any necessary repairs

Before putting their home on the market, your clients must take care of any necessary repairs. This will help ensure that the house is in good condition and that potential buyers don’t have any concerns about its condition. Repairs before listing the home can help speed up the selling process. Buyers are often more willing to make an offer on a house that appears in move-in condition. So, if your clients are hoping to sell their home quickly, it’s essential to ensure it’s in tip-top shape before putting it on the market.

Stage their home

modern home interior

Staging a home means arranging the furniture and decor in a way that makes the space look appealing and inviting. Advise your client to stage their home before potential buyers come for tours. Staging involves making the interior and exterior of the house presentable so that it will appeal to potential buyers. This may include decluttering, deep cleaning, and making minor repairs. It can also involve rearranging furniture and adding decorative items to highlight the best features of the house. By taking the time to stage their home, your clients will be more likely to sell their homes quickly and for a good price.

Hire a professional photographer

Potential buyers will definitely judge a book by its cover—or in this case, a house by its listing photos. In order to make sure their listing looks its best, your clients should hire a professional photographer who knows how to take good quality photos that will show off their home in its best light. They know how to take pictures that will make the house look its best, and they’ll also be able to help stage it properly so that potential buyers can see themselves living there. Photos are one of the most important things buyers look at when they’re considering a home, so it’s worth the investment to make sure they’re done right. Professional photographers also usually have access to editing software that can touch up the photos even further, making the house look even more appealing.

Final thoughts

Keep these tips in mind to help your clients prepare their homes for sale. By taking the time to declutter, stage, and repair their homes, they will be more likely to sell quickly and for a good price. In addition, hiring a professional photographer can also help make their listing look its best. With your help, your clients can successfully sell their homes in no time.

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