DIY Spring Cleaning Pointers to Spruce Up the House

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Spring cleaning is a tradition that helps people freshen up their homes and get a head start on the hectic seasons of spring and summer, making it essential for every homeowner, especially during these times when most people spend their time at home. Although it may seem like a daunting task, it doesn’t need to be hard. and you owe it to yourself and your family to enjoy a clean and healthy home. The best part is, you can do most tasks yourself.

That said, here are seven DIY spring cleaning tips that can help spruce up your home.

Seasonal Cleaning

Many tasks need to be following the seasons, especially when preparing for the warmer climates. So, it’s best to implement them into your list of tasks for spring cleaning to address them early on. For instance, it’s best to tackle outdoor tasks like wiping the outside of windows and cleaning the grill during the warmer weather. Plus, having professionals handle chores during spring, such as cleaning the gutters and fixing water heaters, is ideal, helping you prepare for the harsh climates ahead and keeping your home spruced.

Clean Green and Keep Cleaning Products to a Minimum

You likely want to start spring on a clean note, so make your cleaning habits as green as possible and avoid exposing yourself to chemicals and toxins. Steam cleaners are some of the best “green cleaning products” you can get your hands on for spring cleaning as you can use them to clean most areas of your home, ranging from your microwave to your patio floors. These use only hot water vapor, making them 100% natural and chemical-free.

Natural home remedies like vinegar and baking soda are great cleaning products that work like synthetic cleaning products, minus the chemicals. However, if you have a larger home and cleaning products are a must for spring cleaning, keep it minimal to avoid clutter and reduce chemical exposure.

Clean Room by Room

To clean your home faster and more orderly, approach your home room by room, allowing you to deep clean your property better. It’s wise to make cleaning checklists for each space to help you get organized, reminding you of the places that need extra attention. Additionally, to help yourself get more work done, it’s best to skip areas that have been recently cleaned and focus on neglected parts of your home, like the attic or basement.

Get the Family Involved

Make spring cleaning sessions a family endeavor, and try to involve even young children. After all, everyone can use an extra helping hand. Just make sure to assign age-appropriate tasks to your family members, allowing everyone to feel included. Doing this makes everyone feel more involved and accomplished, encouraging them to participate again next spring.

You can entice your family members, regardless of their age, to help out by providing a small reward to get more work done.

man cleaning a window pane

Always Work from Top to Bottom

When planning on how to spring clean your house, it’s advisable to begin from the ceiling down as doing this forces debris downward, keeping you from having to re-dust and re-clean the different rooms in your home. If you have a vacuum cleaner with an extension hose, you can use it to get into hard-to-reach places, effectively removing stuck cobwebs and dust in odd areas like ceilings and fans.

After vacuuming the harder-to-reach areas, dust your furniture and other items before cleaning the floors, saving you time and getting more work done.

Don’t Forget About Your Air

Whenever doing spring cleaning, you need to remember to take care of your indoor air quality and spruce up your home inside out. Replacing your furnace and HVAC filters are some of the most vital spring cleaning tasks but are often overlooked. However, replacing standard filters with a stronger one with high MERV ratings can help keep your home environment and your family healthier as you enter spring.

These top-of-the-line filters can catch smaller particles, collecting build-up dust that often gathers during winter, ensuring you’re breathing clean and healthy air.

Establish Ongoing Cleaning Habits

A thorough spring cleaning session covering the entire home is an excellent way to establish ongoing cleaning habits, making the next spring cleaning more manageable for you to handle. For example, don’t do all of your spring cleaning chores in a short time, as this will leave you with rushed and messy results. Instead, it’s best to tackle each task you have for at least 15 minutes every day.

Following this method can help you get into the habit of tidying up a few minutes every day, even after spring, making the subsequent spring cleaning seasons easier.

Enjoying a healthy, clean, and functional home isn’t as complicated as people think. All you need to do is take advantage of the spring and follow the cleaning tips mentioned to spruce up your house—adding value and appeal to your home with ease.

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