The Five Essentials of a Successful Home Inspection Business

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The real estate market is evolving. It’s one of the biggest industries in the United States, and it’s no shock to experts that the industry has changed throughout the years.

Homes are much more expensive now, but buyers now have more choices. They can also flip houses if they want. However, because of the overall costs, investments like homes require a lot of thought. As a result, home inspections are becoming more popular to reduce buyers’ general uncertainty.

Starting a home inspection business can be a lucrative endeavor. Not only is the market for home inspections booming, but the demand for qualified professionals in this field is high. However, to succeed in this business, you need the right tools and knowledge. This article will discuss five essentials you need to start and run a successful home inspection business.

Get Certified

Certifications in almost any field are necessary to be taken seriously. However, getting certified is essential for starting a home inspection business.

While many schools offer certification, the most important thing is to ensure you’re getting certified by an accredited institution. In addition, it will ensure that your certification will be recognized by state and local governments and potential clients.

One of the important figures in real estate is the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI), and you need to be certified to join them. To become a member of NACHI, you must pass their certification exam and adhere to their Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. This shows potential clients that you are qualified to do the job and instills confidence in your abilities.

Get Insured

Another essential for starting a home inspection business is getting insured. Home inspection businesses are considered high-risk, so you need to ensure you’re adequately covered in any accidents.

You need to get two main types of insurance: general liability insurance and errors and omissions insurance. General liability insurance will protect you in the case of any bodily injury or property damage during a home inspection. Errors and omissions insurance will cover you in the case of any mistakes made during a home inspection that result in financial damages to the client.

Other insurance forms you also need include workers’ compensation insurance and vehicle insurance. Workers’ compensation insurance will protect you in the case of any injuries sustained by employees during a home inspection. Only get it if you have multiple employees. While vehicle insurance can protect your company car from any damages, not just in home inspections.

Insurance can help you avoid costly legal fees and settlements, so ensure you’re properly covered before starting your home inspection business.

A drone flying around the city

Get the Right Tools

Home inspection businesses require a lot of specialized equipment. Some of the essential tools you need include:

  • A digital camera to take pictures of damages
  • A moisture meter to test for water damage
  • An infrared camera to look for hidden damage
  • A ladder to access hard-to-reach areas
  • A flashlight to inspect dark areas

These are just some essential tools you need for a home inspection business. Investing in high-quality equipment will make your job easier and instill confidence in potential clients. However, if you want a tool that’s more modern and efficient in doing its job, consider getting a drone.


Drones are the next big thing in home inspections. They are more efficient in taking pictures and videos of damages and can also help you access hard-to-reach areas.

If you’re going to get a drone, make sure it’s high quality and from a reputable brand. You don’t want your drone crashing and causing damage to the property you’re inspecting. Offering a reliable drone home inspection service can put your name on the map. Moreover, it can drastically reduce the time you need in the field. It’s also one of the most accurate forms of home inspections available.

Get the Right Training

While certification and insurance are essential, they’re not the only things you need to be a successful home inspector. You also need to have the proper training.

There are many ways to get trained in this field. The most common way is to take an online course or attend a workshop. However, the best way to get training is to shadow or work with an experienced home inspector. This way, you can learn the ropes and get first-hand experience in the field.

There are many things to learn in this field, such as how to use the different tools, identify damages, and communicate with clients. The more training you have, the better equipped you’ll be to start your own home inspection business.

Starting a home inspection business can be daunting, but having the essentials can increase your chances of success. So make sure to get the essentials on this article, and you should be able to start your home inspection service in no time.

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