The Best Home Design Trends to Note for 2021

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This year has not been kind to us (to say the least). At this point, we can all agree that we’re just waiting for this year to end. That way, we can finally move on to what is hopefully a better year for all of us. If you aren’t an essential worker, chances are you spent most of your year inside your home. And since you’ve been staying at home more often, chances are you’re starting to realize how bland your home feels. The new year is right around the corner. It’s time you start thinking about making a few home improvements. That said, here are four design trends you should consider making for 2021

  • Upgrade to Smart Tech

How long has it been since you last upgraded the appliances in your home? If your answer is over a decade, it’s time you upgrade your appliances. Why not upgrade them to smart tech? It is said to be one of the best interior design trends for 2021. Smart technology allows you to control the appliances in your home via smartphone. You can even control it through voice control. It also uses AI to help you save money by limiting the amount of energy you waste.

A smart thermostat is one of the best ways to help cut your energy expenditure. So, if you aren’t up to switching every single appliance in your home to smart tech. A smart thermostat will be something you won’t regret buying. Smart technology is efficient, cost-effective, and comes in plenty of designs.

  • Neutral and Calm Colors with Natural Elements

Color can very much affect our psychology. With everything we’ve been through in 2020, you’ll want to go with colors that promote calmness and serenity. Go with neutral and calm deep colors. Neutral colors often make us feel cozy and also help brighten up a place. If you want to be bolder, you can use deep shades of blue, green, or red that can still look very calming. Avoid going for very bright and intense colors that can look flat.

Imagine your bathroom vanity or kitchen with neutral tones. Liven it up more by adding natural elements such as a wooden counter. Your bedroom or living room can be a nice olive green, a clean and calming blue, or a passionate deep red. Or vice versa. You could do all neutral tones or all deep tones. Whichever suits your style.

  • More Greenery

indoor plants

Being stuck inside a concrete box for the majority of the year is not an ideal situation. We can all agree on that. Whether it be a landscaped garden or a dozen indoor plants, adding greenery can do wonders to our mental health. Experts say that surrounding ourselves with plants can help with anxiety. It can even lower blood pressure and boost productivity. Something that will benefit us all in 2021 if we expect to be stuck at home for the rest of the new year.

If you think you’re going to end up with dozens of dead plants inside your homes, don’t worry. There are tons of indoor house plants that are easy to take care of. Cacti or succulents can go months without water. They can even survive watering once a year. But not watering them even once a month will stunt their growth and stop them from blooming. Pothos is another kind of plant that requires minimal watering. You’ll have to allow the soil to dry completely before watering a pothos. ZZ plants are beautiful plants that are generally not fussy, as long as you don’t overwater them.

  • Minimalism

The “less is more” idea began trending as early as 2018, and it looks like it’s here to stay. While the minimalist art movement began in the 1960s or 70s, the minimalist lifestyle became popular in recent years. The main reason being getting rid of consumerism. Consumerism may seem beneficial for the economy, but it isn’t all that good. It has negative economic, cultural, environmental, and psychological effects.

That’s why people have turned to minimalism (and to Marie Kondo) to help solve this problem. Others also do minimalism as a form of therapy. Having a messy and cluttered household can also cause mental stress on a person. This is called “oppressive untidiness” by the National Counseling Society. Oppressive untidiness is one of the environmental factors that can negatively affect our mental health. It can cause anxiety and stress for a lot of people. Having a minimalist lifestyle can help avoid or even get rid of such anxiety.

If you’re looking to change up the scenery at home for the coming year. Take a few cues from these trends. 2021 is all about peace, change, life, and cleanliness.

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