Working From Home: What You Need to Know

A business woman working from home
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The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to reevaluate the way they operate. Now, most companies are relying on digital options to survive. For some, that has meant a transition to work from home. Many Americans now work from home, while many others plan to join their ranks. Some businesses have started in the confines of people’s homes.

Starting a business from home can be a big adjustment if you’re not used to it. Here’s what you need to know to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Create a Dedicated Workspace

One of the challenges of working from home is maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It can be easy to start working in your pajamas at the kitchen table and then work long after you should have stopped for the day. To avoid this, it’s crucial to create a dedicated workspace. This can be a spare bedroom, a quiet corner of the living room, or even just a small desk in your closet. Wherever it is, make sure it’s somewhere you can go to “clock in” for the day and then “clock out” when you’re done. This will help you stay focused and avoid burnout.

Invest in the Right Tools

Another challenge of working from home is having the right tools for the job. When you’re in an office, someone else usually ensures everyone has what they need to do their jobs effectively. But when you’re working from home, that responsibility falls on you. So ensure you have a fast and reliable computer, a comfortable chair, and other tools or equipment to do your job well. And don’t forget about investing in a good internet connection! Working from home requires connecting to video conferencing platforms, cloud-based storage and collaboration tools, and more. A slow or unreliable internet connection will only make things more difficult. You should also know a thing or two about ergonomics.

Ergonomic Set-Up

Many Americans suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. This syndrome is when the nerves in your wrist become compressed, causing pain and numbness in your hand and fingers. One of the leading causes is poor ergonomics at a desk or computer.

Poor posture, awkward positioning of your arms and wrists, and using a mouse for too long can all contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome. Make sure your workspace is set up with good ergonomics in mind. For example, your monitor should be at eye level, your keyboard and mouse should be positioned so that your wrists are straight, and you should take frequent breaks to stretch or move around.

Good home office set up

Set Some Ground Rules

If you have kids at home, one of the challenges of working from home is ensuring they don’t interrupt you while you’re trying to work. To avoid this, sit down with your family and set ground rules before everyone starts working from home. For example, let them know they shouldn’t come into your workspace unless it’s an emergency. You might also want to set a schedule, so everyone knows when to expect breaks or “quiet time.” By putting some ground rules upfront, you can avoid potential conflicts.


Lastly, there’s comfort. You can’t work efficiently if you’re not comfortable at home. Here are five tips to ensure that your workplace at home is comfortable.


Some people who work from home tend to forget that their home isn’t built for an office environment. This means that your workspace may not be climate controlled when it’s hot or cold outside. Make sure to invest in some insulation for your windows and doors and a small heater or fan for those extreme temperatures. You can hire your local home insulation services to do these things for you. A well-insulated workplace can ensure that the home business can run smoothly.

Noise control

If you live with roommates or family members, noise can be a significant distraction while working from home. Invest in some soundproofing materials or earplugs to block out any noise coming from outside your workspace


Ensure that your workspace has good lighting, both natural and artificial. Poor lighting can strain your eyes and lead to headaches and eye fatigue. You can install LED lights to supplement natural light or open your blinds for more sunlight.


A clean workspace can lead to a clear mind and better focus. Keep your desk and the surrounding area tidy by regularly decluttering and wiping surfaces. This can also help with organization, making it easier to find what you need while working.


Your workspace should reflect your personality and make you feel at ease. Add some personal touches like plants, photos, or inspirational quotes to make it a comfortable and enjoyable place to work in

Working from home can be a big adjustment, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Remember the tips above to create the perfect home office for your business. With some preparation, you’ll be ready to take on this new way of working like a pro!

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