Using an Air Conditioner That Has Been Idle for Months

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From a bike that has sat in the garage for years to a farm tractor that has not been active for months- many devices in the home will develop issues if they are not used for a long time. Have you ever thought the same concept could apply for your air conditioner? Air conditioning experts in Knoxville, TN would like to remind you that the a/c unit could equally malfunction if not used for four or so months if certain precautions are not taken.

Duration of Idleness

In Knoxville, TN, the coldest season lasts about three months, but it could be as long as five months before summer hits properly in around end of May. For some families, this period could mean that the portable air conditioner is just sitting idly at some corner. Generally, the units are made to last long, way past five months. As long as you give it proper maintenance, it will probably see the next season in good shape. The period that the air conditioner is not needed is generally short; some areas have long winters. Nevertheless, there are a few things to remember about an unused air conditioner.

Do Not Wait For Summer to Start

By this, it means that you should test the unit while the mildness is still fading away. You want to make the unit resume operation slowly. In the meantime, you are in a position to identify issues and solve them in good time before the 90 degrees return. Many homeowners will love the idea of scheduling maintenance during this time. In preparation for the oncoming summer season, the following checks are recommended.

Get Rid of Debris

During winter or even the regular cooling season, the outdoor unit can be covered in debris before you even realize it. If you haven’t been taking care of twigs, branches, and leaves in winter, you need to have that sorted out before switching on the unit.

Clean the Outside Unit

air-conditioner cleaning

Clearing the debris is one thing; the unit needs checks of itself too. The most basic is cleaning, which you can achieve using a bucket or garden hose. Remember to inspect the equipment in the process.

Inspect the Air Filter

Regular changing the air filter is a rule of thumb when it comes to air conditioner maintenance. Winter or spring gives you a perfect chance to inspect and clean/replace the filters for optimum performance.

Check Indoor Unit

Even indoor units are susceptible to damage when idle during winter. They need a proper and thorough inspection, especially the wiring bit.

Inspect the Thermostat

A thermostat that will not work during summer is simply unbearable. Test it in advance for an accurate reading, wiring state, dead batteries, and unresponsiveness and have air conditioning contractor fix it.

Waiting for the hot days to hit to throw the unit into action can be a regrettable mistake. The good thing is that your family or employees can experience a cool summer if you take these simple measures in preparation.

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