A Full Guide to Building Your Home from Scratch

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It’s not new for homeowners to want to build their own home from scratch. Most would opt to purchase homes to save money and time, especially if it’s their first home. However, creating your own home from scratch does have benefits of its own. First of all, it’s a gratifying experience to be able to build your own house. It’s also great to live in a home built to fit your exact wants and needs. A home entirely custom-made to tailor-fit your personality and lifestyle.

So, what exactly do you have to know when it comes to building your home from the ground up? Here are all the before, during, and after tips you need to know:



First things first, think about your finances. Do you have a detailed budget plan? If you do, that’s great. However, you still have to prepare more than your initial budget. Why? There might be other things to pay for, such as finishing costs and additional fees. You also have to prepare for whatever circumstances come your way. You can never be too cautious. It’s best to apply for a loan if you think you need to. Also, try to look for ways to save money whenever you can.

To hire a general contractor or not?

Some people would rather opt to be their own general contractor. If you’re thinking about becoming your own contractor, you should keep in mind that you probably lack the experience and the connections. It would also be very time-consuming and stressful, especially if you have a job. Still, being your own contractor does have its advantages. It can save you tons of money and give you more control over what happens to your home.

On the other hand, hiring a general contractor would cost you, but they are professionals. Contractors are there to ensure that your homes are built to your desire. They will also ensure that your home is built on schedule. Hiring a contractor would also save you tons of time and stress.

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You can’t have a home without a plan

When it comes to creating a floor plan, you have to be precise. Here are some questions to keep in mind when planning a floor plan: How big do you want your house to be? How many bedrooms should it have? How about the number of bathrooms?

Contractors find it easier to work with you when your plans are complete. You have to show them precisely what you want, even up to the smallest details, such as where to place lighting fixtures, electrical sockets, and light switches.

There are several Android and iOS applications you could use to help layout your floor plan. It would help if you also created a Pinterest board or create an Instagram collection of your home design inspirations. This way, you and your contractor will have a better idea of how your home should turn out.

Preparing your house to be built

Once you’ve finished your budget, created your floor plan, hired your contractor, and bought a lot, it’s time for you to prepare your house to be built. Make sure to clear the land of any debris. You can rent a roll-off bin to collect any of the trash that might accumulate before, during, and after the construction period. Don’t forget to provide a portable toilet near the building site.


If you’ve hired a contractor, you won’t have to worry much about doing much hands-on work, such as the building part itself. But, you still have to take note of the materials and items you’ll need to build your home.

To save some money, you should look for the best prices and get multiple quotations for every material and item you will need for your home. Communicate with your contractor often to know how the construction is going.


Once your home has finished being constructed, anything that’s left that you can DIY, you should do yourself. Extras such as the garden, carpeting, or even painting the house, you can DIY. This should save you some extra money. Afterwards, do some final inspections and walkthroughs.

You’ll notice that majority of your work will be put into financing and planning the home. Most of your “heavy-lifting” will be done in the beginning. During and after the construction process, you won’t have to worry much  (aside from anything you unanticipated). All that’s left for you to do then is to furnish your home and reap the benefits of building your own home!

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