Keeping Your Home Abroad Safe and Secure Amid a Pandemic

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The coronavirus pandemic has changed several aspects of our lives. Many of us work from home, do our grocery shopping online, and refrain from traveling outside the country. If you have a holiday home or rental property abroad, you probably wonder how you can keep it safe and secure without you having to book a flight and traveling miles to get there. Luckily, we’ve got some tips for you.

Get the help of local cleaning agencies

Since you bought a good house and land package abroad, you have enjoyed maintaining it regularly before spending your summer or winter vacation there. But now’s not a good time to clean it on your own. Instead, hire reputable local cleaning companies since you can’t be there to oversee their service.

If you have a trusted friend or agent in the area, ask them to brief the local cleaners about your property. And make sure to hire professionals who use the latest products or technologies to sanitize your home. This is especially important if you plan to put up your property for rent during the entire quarantine period.

Embrace smart home technologies


You may decide to keep your property empty to avoid all the hassle and lower the risk of virus infection. But there’s a drawback to keeping a home unoccupied for long: attracting intruders and burglars.

Embrace smart technology products to keep your holiday home security while leaving it empty for months. Surveillance cameras, motion sensors, and smart lights and doorbells allow you to monitor your property in Australia from your sofa in your home in the US. So, if you haven’t installed these devices, look for a local provider that will help set them up for you. Again, hire a reputable company to ensure quality products and equally proficient installation when you can’t be physically available to monitor the service.

Consider a house sitter

You may not feel comfortable renting out your second home or keeping it empty for a long period. If that’s the case, why don’t you consider having a house sitter? The job can be appealing to those who are looking for a change of scenery or larger space to endure the pandemic while earning a few bucks.

Your house sitter will be responsible for ensuring your home is clean and secure. This person will also be the point of contact for any service you may need for the house, including cleaners, installers, and contractors. With a house sitter, you won’t have to worry about guests coming and going into your home.

But again, like with hiring any service providers, be thorough when employing a house sitter. Get referrals from your friends and colleagues abroad to narrow down your options. Make sure the person is honest, trustworthy, and responsible—you want to leave your holiday home to the hands of a reputable individual.

The coronavirus pandemic has halted the typical way you spend your year. If you can’t travel to your holiday home soon, consider the options above to keep your property abroad safe and secure for long.

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