Home Renovation Ideas You Didn’t Know You Needed

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Getting tired of the usual appearance of your home? It may be time to make some design changes. Renovating is a costly process, so you want to make sure that the changes you make are truly worth it. The best way to do that is to look beyond conventional renovation projects and explore new ideas. If you are still browsing for ideas, why not make these cool design changes.

Build wall shelves and cabinets

Whether it is for the bedroom or the bathroom, built-in cabinets are an extremely stylish and attractive addition to your home. They provide a simple yet sophisticated aura to any room. When strategically done, it can enhance the appearance of any room. These shelves can frame certain as

One other advantage is that they are functional and oftentimes more space-efficient. These are most commonly used in kitchens because it helps with organization. It also works seamlessly with the interior, so everything has a place. Another idea is to convert the underside of your stairs into storage areas. It’s a great use of space.

Convert rooms to small storages

Studies found a large procrastination and clutter problem between those in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. A lot of us are guilty of leaving things around the house and losing them later on. If you want to have a place to put your items in, you can split an extra bedroom and turn it into a storage place.

However, if you plan on selling your home, you need to consider how many available rooms you have. The storage area needs to fit with the overall floor plan of your home. For houses with three or four bedrooms, this might not affect the property value since there are many spares already.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be just a storage room, though. You can turn it into a walk-in closet or a small studio for storing supplies. Walk-in closets will add to the overall value and just generally nice to have. Be creative about your ideas, and don’t just limit yourselves to what you have.

Create a screen room

Do you think your living room is too big? Then you can consider converting a portion of it into a nice screen room. This is great for those who love nature because it allows you to have a nice view without exposing yourself to the harsh weather.

Screen rooms are a nice additional living space that can be used year-round, unlike sunrooms. If you have a patio or a porch, then you can include it in the restructuring. It requires less maintenance and adds more light to your home.

Although these kinds of renovations may need certain permits, so it is best to contact a property contractor to be sure. They will also be able to provide insurance in case something goes wrong.

Move the shower to the corner


Does your bathroom always feel crowded despite not having that many items inside? You can increase floor space without extending the walls by getting a corner shower. It can even take away shower curtains if you use glass sliding doors. This way, there will also be less wet spots on the floor because you will be using a door instead of a curtain. Cleaning up will be so much easier.

With the additional space, you can better organize your bathroom. It fits perfectly with any design, and additional shelves can even be added to the walls for your toiletries. Corner showers also look more stylish and modern.

Get roof solar panels

A growing trend over the past few years is energy-efficient and eco-friendly options. This is because more people are looking at home structures that can help reduce their daily expenses. As a result, people are spending money to renovate parts of their homes that reduce energy consumption and improve insulation.

If you’re not too keen on replacing the walls or making any major changes, installing solar panels is a good option. They can be discreetly placed on your roof to help generate electricity. The best thing about putting them on your roof is that you can buy larger ones, generating more overall electricity.

You hardly need to do any maintenance on these panels, and they can easily last for several decades. It may seem costly at first, but if you plan to live in the same place for a long time, you can recoup the cost in at least 15 years.

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