How Different Businesses Bounce Back in the New Normal

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Due to the pandemic, we’ve evidently seen how different industries have had to adapt in order to navigate the new normal. Economies have taken a downward turn, and major corporations have taken serious hits to their bottom lines. Creative and strategic thinking have been rampant across multiple sectors of business as big and small corporations develop new strategies to keep their business afloat.

Despite the difficulties, many industries have proven resilient as they launch new e-commerce platforms, shift business avenues and utilize technology, all in an effort to bounce back from the pandemic.

Here are just some of the most notable changes you’ll see across multiple sectors:

Hospitality industry

The hospitality and tourism industry was one of the most affected industries when the global pandemic hit. Since numerous hotels and resorts have been forced to put a halt to their operations, their sales and revenue have drastically declined. Not to mention, as local and international flights have been reduced or restricted, local and international tourism has taken a significant hit as well. One of the most prominent ways hotels have continued to operate is in their transformation to become quarantine hotels, mostly from travelers coming from another country.

This went on for about a year or more until travel restrictions gradually became more lenient and tourists are now more comfortable traveling again. However, this doesn’t mean that there are no longer restrictions in hotels and resorts, as some still require vaccination cards, COVID-19 tests, and the like.

Food and beverage industry

Both food delivery apps and restaurants go hand-in-hand as they collaborate in bringing restaurants back to life in the new normal. Since it’s no longer safe to go outside whenever we please and dine in at restaurants, the best alternative has been to deliver food straight to our doors. All customers have to do is pay a delivery fee, but in some instances, even the delivery fee is waived. This is primarily how the food and beverage industry has continued to thrive during this new normal.

creating a dish for customer

Food delivery apps have been around even before the pandemic, but their popularity and demand have become evident during the pandemic. There’d be nobody delivering food orders to customers without food delivery apps, and this goes even for essentials like medicine and groceries. These third-party apps allowed restaurants to continue to serve their customers without establishing their own delivery team.

E-commerce platforms

The e-commerce industry is another industry that has been around even since before the pandemic, but sales have boomed during this new normal. Particularly for businesses that created their own company website as a way to make online shopping more convenient, this is how they’ve adjusted and continued to expand through the crisis.

E-commerce websites like Shopify continue redefining what online shopping truly means and how it’s the future for all kinds of shopping. Not only does this keep customers safe within the comfort of their homes during the pandemic, but it also lets them purchase the things they’d typically purchase in malls through a website. Most importantly, all customers have to do is check out their purchase with a click of a button and safely wait for their orders.

Entertainment industry

Of course, another significant industry that has been affected is the entertainment industry. We can no longer just go to the movies and have the ultimate theater experience. We’ve now transitioned to utilizing streaming platforms such as Netflix, Hulu, HBO GO, and Disney+ for our entertainment fix. Daytime and primetime TV viewership behavior have significantly changed due to the new living arrangements globally.

Remote work and virtual learning have caused a major disruption for traditional TV. While the numbers vary, it’s clear that pre-scheduled entertainment no longer leads the charge. Streaming platforms with content featuring a prominent talk show host, clean comedian, news anchor, or even regular TV shows and movies have taken over the entertainment industry. Having the ability to decide when to watch your favorite TV show or news program has allowed audiences to have more control over their schedules and has led to higher viewership numbers overall.

These are just some examples of how different industries have chosen to bounce back during the new normal. We can see above that various industries have tried different ways to adapt and rise above the crisis. Some have partnered with others, such as restaurants and food delivery apps, whereas others have shifted things digitally, such as the case for the entertainment industry. The bottom line remains that innovative business strategies and openness to adopting new practices have led to many companies not only pushing through the pandemic but thriving.

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