What You Need to Do After Moving Into a New Home

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Moving into a new home can be an exciting journey for a family. A new house gives you the chance to start over, meet new friends, and have a new environment. But before you go that far, you need to set up your home first.

There are many things to do after moving into a new home. While unpacking gives you a more homey feeling, the things you do make the most significant difference after moving in. Renovation, learning about your home, familiarizing yourself with every corner are the things you need to do as a new homeowner. 

Understandably, you’re feeling overwhelmed already. So to help you get started, here is the list of things you need to do after moving in. Some of these aren’t so intensive and time-consuming. However, you might need to put effort into getting things done. 

Walk Around The House Before Unpacking

The best way to familiarize yourself with your new home is by walking around before you unpack your things. If possible, do a walkthrough while the house is entirely empty. Walking around your new house before unpacking can also help you decide where to put furniture, making it easier to design your interior.

Here’s what you need to check while walking through:

  • The seller fixed all agreed-upon repairs. 
  • All things included in the sale are in the house, e.g., furniture, decors, plants.
  • Faucets, outlets, and switches are in working order. 

Child or Pet Proof (If needed)

If you have a child or a pet, one of the initial things to do is provide a safe space. Before putting the place into an entire setup, child or pet-proof your home first. Creating a safe space for them before unpacking your things will give you more time to focus on home decorating. 

You will not be able to do your responsibilities if you need to check if your child is safe all the time. So cover all outlets, put a barrier on stairs, and close all the windows before anything else. Lastly, keep all hazardous items like knives and cleaning supplies away from them.

Clean Up First

It’s much easier to clean an empty home. Before you unload your boxes and furniture, do a thorough cleaning of the house first. Scrub the floor, paint the wall, clean the ceiling, and wipe the windows. 

If you recently installed things in your home like steel cabinets or metal stairs, buying a weld cleaning brush is advisable. It removes the heat tint caused by welding, making the final output better-looking and smoother. 

Ensure That Your Utilities Are Setup

Many new homeowners forget to set up their utilities before moving in, and this is a mistake you should avoid. Make sure that everything is ready to use and working accordingly. Upon moving in, double-check your gas, heating, water, and electricity. It would also be best to verify your internet and phone connection. Also, don’t forget to confirm if your house is signed up for garbage collection with the waste management facility. 

Add Protection 

Home protection is an essential factor that you need to prioritize. Add double locks in your main and back door for an extra layer of security. Change the doorknobs as the old keys of the house might be somewhere out there with someone you don’t know. 

Include the doorknobs in bedrooms and restrooms too. After that, give each family member their own set of keys. Yes, changing locks and doorknobs is a bit inconvenient. But it’s a small price to pay to keep your family safe at home

Change your Address

It’s also ideal to change your address as soon as you can. Head to the post office before or right after you move in and set up your new address. Don’t forget to notify your friends, family, work, service providers, and bank of your new address as well. 

Know Where to Find The Fuse Box and Water Valve

You’ll never know when you’ll need to inspect your water valve and fuse box, so it’s much better to know where their location. Knowing where to find these two things is essential, especially if the power goes out or if you need to fix water pipes. 

In most houses, fuse boxes are often seen in basements, garages, or storage rooms. Meanwhile, water valves are usually located around the houses’ perimeter. 

You could have a mix of emotions while you’re moving into a new house. You might feel overwhelmed, stressed, happy, and excited at the same time. And that’s pretty normal. But following these tips will help you move in with ease. Of course, there’s a lot to do, but you can always ask for help from your friends and family members.

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